Friday, September 21, 2012


So, today after finishing up some homework I decided to do some journaling before my next class. Journaling usually takes me back to my days in Spain,just spending my school days writing about the old man in his blue robe, standing outside on his balcony in the apartment complex across from my school. Oh San Cernin, how I DON'T MISS YOU. I'm feeling pretty badly for all my host siblings that are there at the moment...five of them are there. Poor things. Oh the land where history and philosophy teachers wear lab coats. I will never understand. Anyways, I didn't just think of school, I thought of all my amazing moments and memories and that led me to think back to my blog. Where some of my favorite stories are told. I then switch gears and type in my blog url. And that's when I nearly had a conniption. A page came up (that was clearly not my beloved blog) that said "the page can not be found" or reached or whatever internet lingo they use. My began pounding because not all of my posts are saved. I think I've saved maybe September-November of 2010. Yikes. So I better get on that....BUT I was thinking that if I posted a blog now, blogspot wouldn't think I had fallen off the face of the earth. With that, this post is to keep my blog alive. Maybe I should keep writing in this? Tales from Buckeye Nation? We'll see. Speaking of Ohio State, can I just say how much I love this year? I decided to switch my Neuroscience (pre-med) major to International Relations and Diplomacy (I kept the Spanish major as well...of course). I've also recently decided to minor in theatre because I'm in "The Craft of Acting" right now and I never want class to end. It's easily one of the best classes I've ever taken. Last night I asked my dad if it was okay if I went to Broadway...he said, "yeah, sounds great" hahah. And then when I told him that I agreed to run a 15K he said, "Alex, that's not going to happen. Ever." Hmm. Thanks Papi. On that note, have a great Friday everyone!

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