Friday, January 28, 2011

Buckeyes! Mmm.

     So yesterday, after my nap and eating lunch, I felt so much better, so I decided to make Buckeyes for my host family. It took me a long time to make them just because it's a pretty slow process if you're making them alone. I had them done in time for dinner though. We ate salad and steak and then the buckeyes! I couldn't find any aluminum foil or wax paper so I had put them directly on the plates. It turns out that this presented a little problem...they stuck. Haha. So we're scraping the buckeyes off the plate. But it's not even important now, because they loved them! Julia, my host sister, was going crazy over them. My host mom said that she wanted to take some over to the neighbors (we've been using their washer and dryer because our kitchen is being remodeled...I know that sounds a little strange...with the kitchen and laundry, but there's a separate little room...ANYWAYS...) and Julia's shock stricken face asks, "Pero, cuantos?!" Translation: But, how many?! Hahaha. It made me happy that she loves them so much. I'm going to teach her how to make them and then my family is going to teach me how to make tortilla de patata, arroz con leche, and maybe some other things.
     I woke up this morning feeling a little better, so I got ready for school and went. I missed philosophy (Coincidence? No.) to go to the police station for my student residency card. Everything went wonderfully today. The guy remembered me from last time and said, "Today, you have it." But I'm thinking, "Yeah...I should have had it two weeks ago..." Pero bueno, me da igual. Yo la tengo ahora. The rest of my day at school went pretty fast. I had to laugh in Literature when my teacher asked me what I thought of Madame Bovary...Uhmm yo ne se....lo siento. The class laughed. Works for me.
     After school, Aurora picked Julia and me up (and saved us from the rain) and we came back to the house for lunch. I felt terrible after lunch. So I came upstairs and watched Harry Potter and slept. I had set my alarm for what I thought was 5:50 pm...which should be 17:50 (because we run on the 24 hour clocks here) but my head must have really been hurting because I set it for 15:50 which is really 3:50. Needless to say, I overslept. I then called called my mom to say goodbye before the left Miami for Santo Domingo. I got to talk to my Aunt Marlene!! I was sad that I couldn't talk to everyone though...I thought their plane left two hours later and had intended on saying hello to everyone...but it didn't happen. Marlene made me cry...but she doesn't know that. I just became super emotional when I really knew that they were all together, my Dominican family. I love them all.
     I ate pizza with Alberto and Julia and then we watched Paris Hilton's "My New BFF." What a joke. It's kind of embarrassing. Reality TV. I laughed a lot though. It's just a little ridiculous. Then I showered and watched more TV. I couldn't find anything good though. I'm so happy I get to sleep in tomorrow. Besos. Goodnight!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Plague.

     It's the third time this year that the plague has come and and swept over me. Each time bringing headaches, aching ears, and a little cough. So basically the plague comes every time I don't get enough sleep. Haha. Funny how I inflict on myself, isn't it? Anyways, I didn't feel very well this morning. Apparently I was coughing all night. So I stayed home from school today. It was my first sick day so far. I ate toast and drank tea for breakfast and headed back for bed. I didn't have too much luck sleeping, so I grabbed my pillow and blanket and headed up stairs to watch TV. I watched Family Matters, Growing Pains, Full House, and Friends, all with Spanish dubs of course. I fell asleep for an hour or two, but laid there watching the TV for about four hours. It was so nice. It's amazing what a few hours of rest can do. I feel a lot better now.
     I haven't really done a whole lot the past couple of days except go to school and meet friends and eat. Natalie came over for lunch yesterday. It was nice. We had a really interesting dish that I've never tried before. It was whit rice and then all of the following on top: tomato sauce, a dippy egg, fried plantains, and hot dogs. I really loved it. Que ricaaaa. Mmm.
     Since it's already 6 pm, I think I'm just going to change into another pair of pajamas and call it a day. Haha. It's time to work on scholarships and possibly make Buckeyes. I'm not coughing too much anymore, so I think it will be alright. Hahaha. I'll wash my hands a lot. Anyways, hasta pronto! Besos!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

San Sebastian!

     Well, it's safe to say that I've had an amazing weekend. I'll start with Friday morning, which was the less than amazing part. On Friday morning I took the bus to the police station to pick up my student residency card (again) and they told that it was not there. It has been 5 weeks. I think it's a little ridiculous, but I'll be going back next week with hopes of them actually having it this time. After the police station disappointment, I headed back to school. School was pretty boring, I think. Haha. As usual. Julia and I were picked up at school by Aurora and then we came home and ate lunch. We had croquettes and chicken. Yummy! After lunch I got my things ready and relaxed. I then took the bus  into town so I could then meet Natalie and catch the next bus to Becca's house (which is Elle's old house...the one where we have all of our slumber parties). As we walked in, Becca was cutting Mitchell's hair. After the hair cut, we made chocolate chip cookies, buckeyes, and a giant potato omelet. We always eat so much at our parties. We sat around and talked and did nothing all night. It was great. The next morning, we woke up and Becca cut my hair and Natalie's hair. It's shorter than I expected, but I really love it! And the best part is that it's free. Thank you, Becca!
     All of us girls then caught the 12:15 bus and went back into Pamplona. Once in Pamplona, Elle, Natalie, Becca, and I went to El Corte Ingles and a cafe. Natalie and I left soon after to head to the school to meet my host family (they're her old family and she wanted to see them again!). We met them at Julia's basketball game and watched as the girls played a pretty nasty game of basketball. There was lots of elbow nudging and dirty glances. After the game, we drove to the gas station and ate lunch. I had a salad, paella, and fruit for dessert. We came home for about 40 minutes and got ready for San Sebastian. It was about a 45 minute drive until we were in the coastal city. The beach was beautiful, freezing, but beautiful. The town was much prettier than Pamplona, I must say. My host family used to live there when Julia and Alberto were little. We found a parking spot right by the water and then walked into town. We split up. Alberto, Enrique, and I went to the aquarium while Julia and Aurora did some shopping. The aquarium was great! I got to see a whale skeleton. That was a first. The fish were really cool too. Everyone was going crazy when they saw the clown fish saying, "Nemos! Nemos!" But it sounds like, "NAH-mos, NAH-mos." I was entertained. Once we got through the aquarium, we met up with the girls and did a little more shopping with them before heading to the car to go to dinner. We went to an amazing restaurant. I didn't take my purse in, but I wish I would have. It looked very old. It was huge, too. Sort of like a giant, amazing barn with long tables filled with fresh bread. We all ate of the same plate. They would bring the dish and just set it in the middle and you dug in. The food was amazing. We had tortilla de patata, steak, fish, bread, and the cheese and fruit spread stuff for dessert. My favorite part of the dinner, however, was not the food, but the special drink. It's only made in this region of Spain, I believe. It's fermented apples (a certain kind, not normal apples) and grapes. You had your glass and then you go into this huge room filled with larger than life barrels, turned on their sides, of this drink. There was a guy working the tap and you just put your glass under it. My host parents told me to be careful because it's so fresh. You don't realize how little can make you feel, you know....Anyways...the drink was delicious!! My host brother kept trying to get all that he could. Haha. He was yelled at a few times last night...haha.
     After our amazing dinner we headed home. We were home around 11. That's pretty early for here. I was so exhausted. I was on my computer for a bit and then I fell asleep right away. I didn't wake up until 10:30 this morning. This morning I got my breakfast and relaxed. I just finished eating lunch with my family and another. It was great. We had pasta with tomato sauce, some kind of delicious meat, cooked apples, and then we're going to have dessert all together in a little while. I love my life here. My family is absolutely incredible and I feel as though my Spanish is improving greatly here because they talk to me so much. They want to now about my life, and I tell them. I chime in about little things and start more conversations. I'm having the time of my life learning a new language and culture and making more friends and family than a girl could ever ask for. I'm so happy that I am here. I'm so happy that I took this leap of faith. I'm so happy that the sun is shining today.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


     What a great day. I'm happy, that ever since I decided that Thursday is my favorite day of the week, that it's held to be true consistently. I just love them. School today went so fast because it's the best combination of classes, in my opinion. I had to read again in Literature, which is always dreadful because the vocabulary is atrocious. I sound horrible. I get super nervous and then begin to go short of breath and stammer. Can you imagine listening to this? Ugh. I am in self loathing for those 5-10 minutes of personal torture. But other than that, the school say went really well!
     After school I caught the bus, alone today. Julia and Alberto had school until this evening. Once I arrived home I saw the two construction workers slaving away at the front of the house. The kitchen is being extended and a lot of remodeling is being done right now. It's quite a little mess. I, once again, could not open the freaking door, so one of the workers helped me out. I made sure to observe carefully this time. It looked as though he pulled on the door knob and then turned the key. For lunch, Enrique, Aurora, and I had pumpkin soup, dippy eggs, corn on the cob, yogurt with honey, and wine. I told them that I absolutely love dippy eggs...that I make them for breakfast all the time at home. They were surprised to hear that for some reason.
     Having finished lunch, I headed upstairs to skype with my parents (I am skyping much less now, by the life is becoming so much busier). I was complaining that I was tired so my dad told me that I needed to go run. I obeyed. I put on my tennis shoes for the second time in four months and then I was on my way. I ran and walked...I'll be honest. I like running for the first five minutes or so...and then I feel like it is just pure torture. But I'll do it anyways. My dad said that I have to run at least three times a week or else it does nothing. *Groan.* But oh well. I did feel much better afterwards. Yay. After my run I showered, then got on the bus to Pamplona, shopped for ingredients for Buckeyes (powdered sugar and peanut butter are SOOO expensive here), and then finally went to theatre. I had a really great time. It was nice to actually be able to talk to people. At school it's kind of difficult. I then took the bus home and had dinner with my family. We had salad and quiche, then had turron for dessert. After dinner we all watched a Spanish sitcom together. It's pretty funny.
     A few random things:
1. We eat melon and dip it in milk chocolate. Yum.
2. We have cheese with this strawberry jam-like stuff and walnuts for dessert. Also yum.
3. Aurora is always telling Julia and Alberto the proper ways to eat and stuff...I'm tuning in.
4. I love my family here. I don't want to leave :( and it's not even been two weeks.
5. In English class, they're learning about tenses that I didn't know existed. It called the future, but we've been dealing with the past. I'm not so sure if that makes any sense. Just saying.
6. I met a girl from Estonia (near Russia and Finland) at a cafe yesterday. She's living with a family here and teaching their son English. She found me on facebook. How cool is that?! She's great!! So sweet and fun to talk to. I think we'll be great friends.
7. I'm exhausted and I neeeeed sleep.
8. Nighty night everyone!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"You Don't Understand."

      So I have this teacher, right? And there's only one word that really sums up her essence. A word I would rather not share on the world wide web. Anyways, this teacher of mine...So she had Tabea and I do an assignment for her over the weekend and turn it in to her yesterday, personally, in the department of humanities on the day we don't even have her class. That is how important this paper is. So yesterday we go to the office and hand her our papers. She thanks us and we head out. We were just about to clear the door when she stopped us. At first we thought she just wanted to talk to us about the subject (Descartes). Fine. So we go to her. Then it happens, and at this point I bite down on my tongue. She pulls out a pair of scissors and motions for us to cut the fringe off of our papers. Presentation is key. Muy importante. Es mejor, no? Oh my gosh. I almost died. I burst into laughter as soon as we were out of sight. This lady is a crazy. Her expression was filled with an evil smirk. I believe she feeds off our pain.
     Today, we actually have philosophy class. She calls me Alice and hands me my paper. Alex is a Spanish name also, but it's mainly for boys. I know she knows how to pronounce it. Oh well, I don't even know her name, but I think you all know how I refer to her. Anyways. I get my paper back. She is one of those red pen happy teachers. Needless to say it looked like the pen exploded onto my fringeless paper. At the bottom of the page she had 3 points (they were numbered and everything). She basically told me three times that I had 1. not understood the assignment and 2. just did not understand the material. She actually crossed out an entire paragraph of my essay. On Tabea's paper she told her that her paper had a very bad presentation (as in appearance, because that's what's important...), that the translation was bad, and that she also did not understand. All I could do was laugh. She said nothing about a good effort to right a philosophy paper in Spanish and do it in a weekend and cut off fringe or anything. Lady, I don't care if you give me a negative ten, as long as I learn Spanish. Dios mio.
     On the other hand, I have good news about other exams. I received my history of art and literature tests back this week. On the art test I got a "B" for "Bien!" hahahaha. I'm so happy! They don't have letter grade here and they don't even know their significance, but I thought it was ironic. My literature teacher didn't give me a grade, but she went through my two pages and corrected all the mistakes in the language that I had made. I thanked her after class. It's so helpful. She understands. I'm thankful for her. Plus, I'm really understanding the new book that we started today in there: Madame Bovary.
      Enough about school...I was basically there all day and I don't want to think about it any longer. I ate lunch there with Natalie and then we went to the nearest Eroski where I bought nail polish remover, chocolate for baking, H&S Shampoo, and Herbal Essences Conditioner! Yay. After school, Tabea and I walked to Athena's where she and Dara were just hanging out. I ate a bowl of Nougat Pillows (I was starting to have withdrawals). The we all put on facial masks that Athena's mom sent her. Dara, Athena, and I used the chocolate mud mask and Tabs used this cloth thing that made her look like Mrs. Doubtfire. Creepy. Awe, I love that movie.
       I walked to the school and went home with my host family at 8. We came home and ate dinner. Tonight we had a tomato and cucumber salad and this amazing fish that our maid, Milena, made. It was delicious. Oh, and I had wine with dinner. I love my life. It was good wine, too. Yum. For dessert we had turron, and then yogurt with honey. Aurora, Julia, and I eat yogurt with honey almost every night. It's so good.  After dinner I showered (and used my new shampoo and conditioner!!) and then painted my nails and watched Friends. Now, here I am. Exhausted. It's been a pretty good day considering that it's Tuesday. Now it's definitely time for bed. Goodnight everyone!!! Besos!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's Been Far Too Long.

     I can't believe that I haven't blogged since Wednesday. The time is really starting to fly by...I want this blog to be filled with all the little details so that I don't forget them and give everyone who reads this an idea of what my life here is really like. Lately, I've been pretty tired. I'm still getting used to this bed and it will take awhile longer before it becomes "mine." I had the same issue with my first bed here. I miss my super soft mattress. So much. Anyways, back on track...I suppose I'll start with Thursday.
     To be honest, I don't remember what I really did. Haha. I went to school for sure and ate lunch...I remember being really tired. Then I got a really bad headache. So I showered and tried to sleep but it didn't work out too well. Haha. Then I think we had lamb for dinner. The lamb was amazing. I loved it. My host mom told me that they love it, but it's a little different, so that if I didn't like I should just tell her and she would make me something else. It was so sweet. We also ate cucumbers with vinegar. Yummy. I told them that we eat it too and we add onions. Cucs and Onions. That's what my family always calls it. Haha.
     On Friday I woke up more willingly than all the other days this week knowing that the weekend was ahead of me. Friday evening I went to the usual cafe and met Elle and Becca there. We caught up on how our lives are in our new host families. It was so nice. After the cafe we were walking around in the center of the city and we stopped to listen to the musicians. They have a cello, a bass, and a violin and their music is gorgeous. While listening, I feel a tap on my shoulder and realize that it's Merche! I was so happy to see her. She told me that she was heading home, but there was a letter there for me and I could come over and get it. I told her I would be over shortly. Becca and Elle walked to my old home with me and stayed fora few minutes before having to make the walk to their bus stops. I stayed a few minutes later and just talked to Merche and caught up. It feels so nice. I'm so happy that I can still see her often and visit my first home here. I had to leave Merche's around 9:20 to be at the school at 9:30 to be picked up by Aurora. I met her and Julia there and we left for home. Once I was home, I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and I heard my host dad singing "Beggin'" by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons and I commented. A few minutes he called me into his office (he works from home) and told me that we're singing karaoke. My first thoughts were, "It's too soon to be singing in front of them....and I told them I love to what if they think I'm bad?" Hahaha. But I put those thoughts aside and just went with it. It was so much fun!!! We sang songs from The Beatles, Mamma Mia, The Sound of Music, and a few others. He told me that I sing really well and it made me happy. After the singing we went downstairs and ate pasta for dinner.
     Yesterday was pretty uneventful, so I won't bore you with the details. I woke up and went to lunch in the afternoon and relaxed the rest of the evening. I took the 9 pm bus into the city and then another bus to Natalie's new house. I ate dinner with them. We had four different kinds of pizza. Yuuummm. After dinner, Natalie and I went to her room to get ready and then we waited until her host mom's friend was ready to give us a ride into the city. She dropped us off in San Juan (where all the discotecas are). We met Elle, Becca, Mitch, and Tabea at the club, Boca Boca. It was free! The music was alright, but I do prefer Merengo. Natalie and I left around 3 am and caught the bus back to her house where we slept for a few hours. I had to wake up around 9:45 this morning to catch the bus back into Pamplona so I could then from there, take the bus to Zuasti.
     When I got home this morning, I had troubles with the key, once again, and Alberto let me in. Haha. I feel so dumb when I can get it to open. I then headed immediately for the shower. The good thing is that there is now a smoking ban in all public places in Spain. It's wonderful. Sometimes it takes a couple of washed to get the smell out of my hair. After my shower I came in my room and slept until we went to the club for lunch (which is right next to our house). I had eggs with these stringy potato chip things and ham. I know it sounds weird, but it was amazing. I love my dippy eggs. Oh my gosh. It was great. After lunch I watched Moulin Rouge and Friends. I haven't done much. I'm still exhausted since I only got about four hours of sleep.
     Now it's time to do some dreaded philosophy homework (my teacher is crazy...Tabea and I don't have her for class tomorrow but she insists that we bring her a paper on Descartes down to her office in the morning....I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO COLLEGE LADY....don't waste your energy) She talkes down to us in front of the whole class and I don't appreciate. Not one bit. I also need to start working on more scholarships. I have plenty of time to do's just taking the initiate now. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Enjoy your evening America! Besos!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Sing like no one can hear you."

     Today school was just the same as always with the exception of a Literature test. The teacher passed out three blank pages to everyone (including me). I looked at these three blank pages wondering how I was supposed to fill them. She told everyone to write about the themes of the novel "The Sorrow of Young Werther" which was written in the 18th century, in German...and then translated into Spanish. How on earth am I supposed to be able to do this? Haha. A trace of panic must have been evident in my face as I raised my hand for the teacher to come over. I told her that I didn't think I was capable of writing about the themes and asked if I could write her a nice little summary instead. She wanted me to write a character analysis but I threw that out the window (like that would be any easier).
     After school I walked with Julia to our bus stop and we rode home. Once we arrived home, Enrique, Alberto, Julia, and I went to the gas station to eat lunch. This was a fancy gas station, let me tell you. It reminded me of a Sheetz almost expect the food was already ready...sort of like a college cafeteria where you can choose what you want from about 4 or 5 different options. I got a salad, lasagna, chocolate pudding, and fanta. It was great! Then we came home and I relaxed the rest of the evening. My host family asked if I wanted to go into Pamplona with them tonight (everyone goes their separate ways once we get there) but I told them that I would rather stay here for the evening. Since no one was home, I did the one activity I miss the most: I sang. At first was nervous for some reason...maybe because I hadn't sung in awhile...but eventually I was singing at the top of my lungs and it felt absolutely amazing. I miss singing so much. It's such a great way to express myself.
     After singing I watched a movie and read some of the handouts from school today. Once everyone was home we ate dinner. Tonight we ate pasta with tomato sauce, bread, ham, and melon. We spent a long time around the table talking about our day and my life in America. I told them about Olivia and how I want to go visit her in the spring. Enrique was already telling me where I can get the best deals to Brussels (he reminds me so much of my dad sometimes!! It's crazy). I told them I was worried that I wouldn't be allowed to miss school but they told me that that was the least of my worries. They are so supportive of this. I'm so grateful. We then talked about school in America, since Julia will be in the states next year for her exchange. I told her we have foods classes and she was excited. They seemed surprised when I told them I thought it was easier. I'm pretty sure it is...that's what I've heard from all the other exchange students. But I mentioned it depends on the individual, since we pick and choose the difficulty of our classes. My schedule was pretty rigorous throughout high school. It just depends. For dessert I asked them if they wanted to try Reese's peanut butter cups and they said yes. I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed the bag of Reese's Aunt Barbie had sent me. They loved them! I was so happy! That means that they'll like Buckeyes, too. I hope to bake a lot more in this home. I'm becoming so much more comfortable with it. I'm surprising myself. Oh, and tonight at dinner Enrique told me that I can use anything in the house whenever I want (like the TV, the treadmill, the stereo, the books) and I can eat whenever I want. He told me that this is my house now. It made me happy. That's when I chimed in about Livy. I told them that I understand how they feel. Telling the guest that they're welcome to anything and insisting they eat more. Hahaha. That's just how it goes! :D
     I've had a great day! Time for some Friends and 1000 Splendid Suns (great book, by the way). Buenas noches. Un beso!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to School.

     So today I finally had to go back to school. I didn't wake up very well because I could not sleep last night. It's so frustrating. By next week I should be back to normal though. So school today was pretty boring. Going to school all day in a foreign country where your grades don't matter has to be on the top ten list of most boring activities. Haha. After school, my host mom picked us up and then drove us to a restaurant where we met Enrique. I ate paella, pork, and arroz con leche. It was great! Such a different experience already! I didn't get home until 4:15. It's strange because I'm usually done eating by 3:15. After lunch I watched Friends and tried to rest since I was so exhausted. I woke up at 6 and caught the bus for Pamplona. I went to my old house because a package and an envelope came for me today. I got my mail and hung out with Athena, Dara, and Tabea. I left around 8 to catch my next bus. On my way to the bus stop I saw a dog that resembled Chancie so much. I stared for what seemed like ten minutes. Then I turned in the other direction and began to sob. I miss my little best friend. My bus finally came and I took the bus back to Zuasti. It was a very long bus ride. Once I got to my house, I saw that the key was in the door. So I tried to open it and I failed miserably. I had to call my host dad and ask if he could open the door for me. After opening it, he taught me how to open a door and made me practice a few times. Haha. I'm a dumbo. Once I was home I showered and then ate dinner with my family. I really like eating here. We spend a long time together just talking. I really enjoy it. Plus, it improves my Spanish immensely. Tonight we talked about musicals, religion, and my background. It was so perfect. They told me that there is a church right here in Zuasti that I can attend on Sundays. How perfect is this? Things are working out great. The bus schedule is the only downside about Zuasti. Everything else is great. Now it's time for me to talk to The Foxes and open Christmas presents! Que ganas! Besos :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My New Family.

      Yesterday I made the big move around noon. When I arrived Natalie was still here and still packing, so we put all of my things in the bathroom until she was finished. After we finished eating lunch and Natalie finished packing, we watched a movie until it was time for her to go to her next host family. My host parents and I took Natalie to her new home and said goodbye. After that, I went grocery shopping with my host parents. It was nice. We then came home and I began to unpack. Madre mia, do I have a lot of stuff! It took me a long time to unpack. I eventually found a place for everything and then decided to take a shower. I had hot water. An endless supply. It was so nice! Since the bathroom is my own, I took my time in there afterwards painting my nails and listening to music. It is such a luxury to have a bathroom of my own. I've never had my own bathroom. Last year I was basically sharing with three other girls! Haha. It was fun of course...a bit of a challenge to do our hair and makeup all at once...but I really like knowing that I don't have to hurry. It's all mine. Hahaha. I'm going to enjoy this while I can.
      After my shower I went down stairs to eat some pizza for dinner. It was nice. Alberto, my host brother (13), had some friends over and they were watching the soccer game and playing video games. Julia, my host sister (15), came home while I was eating so I talked to her for a little bit. After eating I came back upstairs and watched Friends until I fell asleep. I actually went to bed at a decent hour: 2 am!
     This morning as soon as I woke up Enrique, my host dad, came into my room and asked if I wanted to go to a basketball game. I said of course and then headed down to get some breakfast. I made toast with butter and raspberry jam. This was the first I'd had toast in four months!! It tasted so yummy. In the midst of my eating, my host dad asked if I was ready (I was still in my pajamas) and I was like "Oh, I thought we were leaving in like 30 minutes! haha Apparently that's when the game started. So I ran upstairs and got ready as fast as I could. He told me it was fast. So no problem. The game was great! It was a professional game (I think) and our team won! It was very exciting. While there I heard the theme song from Pirates of the Caribbean. We played that in band in middle school. I've always loved it.
     We come home and ate lunch right away. We ate beans and rice, fish, and then some kind of cheese and fruit spread (I think?) for dessert. It was great! Something different and yummy. They told me that I eat fast. Haha. I didn't deny it. I can't help it! After lunch I came into my room and was looking at scholarships on my computer when Enrique asked if I wanted to go to the professional soccer game this evening. Uh, yes! I got ready and then we met our neighbor. He took us in his car to the stadium. We parked in a field behind the stadium to avoid the traffic. We entered behind an electronics store. They told me right away that they weren't kidnapping me, it was just a shortcut. Hahaha. The game was great! It held my attention and I was excited about it! I really like it. It resulted in a tie and people kept telling me it was an "ugly game" but I enjoyed it! I liked seeing how involved and emotional the fans were.
     I've had a busy day filled with sports! I've enjoyed every minute of it. I think we'll be eating dinner soon, and then I need to go to bed early because I start school back up in the morning. I'm definitely not looking forward to it, but I know it will improve my Spanish, so it's worth it. Here's to a great move and a smooth transition! I think I'm going to have an amazing time with this family. Besos! Buenas noches : 


Friday, January 7, 2011

Empty Again.

     I just finished packing all of my things. I managed to fit everything in two large suitcases, a carry on, and a backpack. I'm pretty pleased with that considering that I've bought quite a bit of stuff here. I actually did some after-holidays-shopping today. There were great sales! I only bought two things because the mall was so incredible crowded. The lines were madness! Loca, loca, loca. As I look at my suitcases stacked up against my closet I can't help but think back to the night before I left. I mean it's completely different, but similar all the same. I've created a life in this apartment. This is my home right now. I'm going to miss my endless supply of Nougat Pillows, watching Glee with Maite, and Merche's never ending kindness and motherly care. I never thought that it would feel this strange. I feel like I'm starting over again. Everything is new: fresh. I have the customs of a new family, a new way of life. I never thought that I would get so attached to my family here. But alas, I am.
     Now the sadness is out. With all of these thoughts swirling in my mind I am still very excited to move in with my next family. It's going to be a completely different experience that will add more color and culture to my year in Spain. Wow, I'm in Spain. And wow, this just came to's been four months today.  can hardly believe it. I feel like I've been here for a long time because I have learned so much...I feel like Pamplona is truly a second home to me. It's so familiar now. So welcoming. I'm nervous at how fast these next six months are going to go. I have so much to do and see and experience. And moving into a new family tomorrow will give me even more opportunities to embrace these aspects of my exchange. Here goes. Adjust, adapt, add to my year! (I needed another "ad" to round it out) Goodnight. Besos!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tres Reyes Magos!

A New Kind of Holiday.

      My past couple of days have been perfect. I feel like I am really living the life an exchange student should. On Monday I went to a cafe with friends and talked for hours and then spent the rest of my day relaxing. On Tuesday I went to a cafe again and then did some shopping (mostly window shopping haha). Tuesday evening I got ready and then walked to Elle's bus stop. I met Elle and we did some grocery shopping and ran into our friend Dara. After the shopping, Elle and I caught the bus back to her suburb if Pamplona. When we got to her house we hung out and relaxed until it was time for us to start making dinner for her family. We made them Chili from scratch! It was so much fun. The best part was that her host family loved it. After dinner we watch The Princess and the Frog. I love this movie!! The music is great, the story line is great, everything is great! Elle loved it too.
     We woke up this morning and took the bus back into Pamplona. Once I was back in town, I did some grocery shopping to make some more chili for my host family. After that I went to Movistar and finally bought a cell phone...okay two cell phones. Haha. It was two for one, so why not? An extra phone may come in handy. I covered them with different stickers as soon as I got home s I could distinguish them from each other. My last stop in town was at Zara. I had looked at the same dress three times in two days. I was just stopping by to see if it was there. It wasn't in it's original spot so I went to the dressing rooms to see if someone had tried it on and didn't want it. It's a good thing I did. It was there! The last one left in my size. I'm in love with this dress, so I bought it! It gorgeous!
     Once I got home I ate lunch and took my siesta. After my nap I met Becca and then she came here to make Chocolate Chip Cookies. We were lacking brown sugar and flour so we ran to the nearest Eroski to get the rest of the ingredients. Once we had everything, we came back here and started making the cookies. Our first attempt was a failed attempt, but we learned. Haha. We just let them in the oven too long. The rest turned out great! Our favorite part was the cookie dough of course. Brandi never lets me eat it at home and it makes me so mad because it's the best. Becca let me have all that I wanted. After the cookie making, Becca and I headed towards the Plaza de Castillo for the Three Wise Men Parade. It was so much fun! Lots of floats and people in costumes and music and candy. It was so great. After the parade, Becca and I parted ways ad headed home. Once I was home I made the chili. For dinner we ate Three Kings Cake. Maite got the "bad" figure and Merche got the "good figure" in her cake. I didn't get anything! Haha. The cake was delicious. It was a pastry with some type of whipped cream substance. After our cake dinner I continued to watch and stir the chili. We're going to eat it for lunch tomorrow! I'm so excited. A little bit ago, Maite, Merche, and I put our shoes out in the living room with the chocolate chip cookies and the milk for the three kings to eat and then fill our shoes with presents! Before going to bed, Merche asked if I've been a good girl. Hahaha. I told her, "yes, of course!" So she told me that I should get some presents then! Hahaha. I love my host mommy.
     I'm shocked that I'm tired at a decent hour. Maybe I'll actually go to bed before three am! Yay! I get open presents and celebrate this amazing new holiday tomorrow! i'm so excited. I absolutely love my life. I couldn't ask for more! Besos :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's Gonna Be A Happy New Year!

      I've had one of the best New Year's Eve of my life. During the day I relaxed until 8 pm when Merche and I headed for my host grandparents for dinner. We ate and talked and ate amazing turron. I had the option of trying barnacles that night and I had to pass. I just couldn't do it. I've tried everything else...but these looked like brown roots with green dinosaur toenails...just saying. While at dinner, one of my host cousins asked what Spanish food I want to take back to the states and I told him Nougat Pillows and Merche's salads. They all laughed. They were like, "Cereales?!" Hahaha. Yes. Cereal. I love it, and Merche knows it because we have a never ending supply. Right now there are three boxes full of heaven in  the kitchen. After dinner we all talked for a bit and did our own thing. I listened to my iPod and wrote in my journal quickly. I just had too many memories to write about! Ha...or I just didn't really have anything to say.
     Once it was 11:45 pm, we all gathered around the TV with our plates filled with twelve grapes ready for the countdown. In the last twelve seconds of 2010, everyone in Spain shoved twelve grapes in their mouth and ate them before the clock struck midnight for good luck for a prosperous year. After the grapes we all drank champagne and clinked glasses to another great year. Around 12:30 Merche and I said our goodbyes and started walking home (Maite wanted to stay at the grandparents for awhile longer). On the way home, we say lots of Pamplonians dressed up in costumes (like Halloween). They started dressing up about twenty years ago. The cool thing is that they only do it in Pamplona. Yay! The rest of Spain gets really dressed up (as in elegant) for the occasion. Some costumes were pretty interesting. I have to say though, I did not appreciate the serial killer clowns. They scared me. Anyways. Merche and I got home around one. Natalie came here soon after to get ready with me and then Athena and Elle joined as well. We all got dressed up and headed downstairs to meet the others. We were all together, but wanted to do different Natalie, Mitchell, and I went to Merengo right away. When we first got there, there was only middle aged (and +) people. We were shocked because Merengo is always filled with young people. We then asked the bartender when the younger people would come and he told us around four. Sure enough, he was right. We danced and danced and danced until six am. At six my feet were starting to hurt (that's what heels so to you after four hours of being on your feet, I suppose) and I kept procrastinating opening my eyes. That's when you know it's time to sleep. Haha. Natalie and I said goodbye to Mitch and then headed back to my apartment.
      I had such an amazing time. What a way to start the new year! The following day I slept in. As soon as I woke up I washed the smoke out of hair. Eww, que asco! AND I had a warm shower!! I was so happy. As soon as my warm shower was over, I quickly  got ready for lunch at the grandparents. Lunch was delicioso. We had salad (duhh), then jumbo shrimp (yay for oxymorons), and then...and then...and then....drumroll please....we had mashed potatoes and roast beef!!!!!!!! It tasted so perfect. It was a perfect mix of American and Spanish and I was just in love. I ate lunch to Tia Amaya. She's a nun. She is so sweet. We always joke around. I usually sit by her and Yayo (Grandpa) for some reason. They just make me happy. After lunch we came home and just relaxed until it was time for dinner. I can't remember what kind of salad it was at the moment. Oh well.
      I went to bed last night around five am. It's been my regular bedtime over break. Haha. I got up this morning and got ready for church. After church I came home and said Happy Birthday to Merche!!!! We ate a great lunch today. We had salad and paella. The salad: tomatoes, tuna, onions, black olives, corn, oil, vinegar, and salt. Que rica!! Then, in the afternoon, friends and family came over to celebrate Merche's birthday. I had the best time. It was so nice. We ate and talked and just enjoyed each others company. Once everyone left, Merche, Maite, and I cleaned up the mess. Then I gave Meche her present: a wind chime and a bottle of hand soap from B&BW. She loved it! I was so happy! I then watched TV for a bit with Maite until I found myself falling asleep.

     Now that I have to move in a week, I feel so much closer to my host family. I feel as though the holidays gave us something special and now we are closer than ever. I love them. I don't think I'm ready to leave. I'm looking forward to my next family, I'm just going to miss this one. Bueno, there's nothing I can do! I will have another incredible experience with my next family! With that, here's to another fantastic year full of adventure, laughter, experiences, and love! Buenas. Besos a todos!