Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Wild Party.

     I'm aware that's it's been a little over a week since I've blogged. I'm sorry! But it is difficult not having wifi in my room. I don't want my host parents to think that I'm addicted to the internet (but of course I sort of am), so I try to keep it somewhat short. When I talked to my mom today she was yelling at me because it had been so long. She said, "You know Alex, people really follow it. They don't know if you're dead or alive. You could at least write a little paragraph about your day." She said this in a very demeaning tone. So, everyone, I'm alive (not that I think you were really that concerned...). I have a lot to say now.
    I have found my new musical: The Wild Party. It was an off-broadway production in 2000 and Idina Menzel was part of the cast, so of course I am in love with it. It's fabulous. Also, on the musicals note, RENT is coming back to NYC. Off-broadway. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! Road trip to NYC this summer anyone? Anyways, my week. Let's go!
     On Sunday I went to a cafe and skyped with Livy, my parents, and Brandi. It was really nice. I then went home and watched Pretty Woman because Brandi told me to. Haha. I was glad I did though, because I love that movie. For dessert that night Aurora made this amazing apple dessert that reminded me of apple pie, but different. The same sort of hot apple pastry taste. It was delicious.
    On Monday I came home from school and took a nap, watched Love Actually, which I actually loved (hehe) and drank a cup of my favorite spiced chai tea. They don't have chai tea here for  the record. Then  I ate Mexican food for dinner! It was really good. Not at all authentic, but it was really great. Then later that I night, I went to bed early. And then I laid there for 45 minutes. So I decided to read a chapter of my book. I ended up being even more awake. I then went downstairs with my computer and skype chatted with my mom over a glass of milk. I went back to bed to try to sleep. I laid there for another hour. Then I decided that I shouldn't waste my time. So I watched Whip It! It was a good movie. I really enjoyed it. I like Ellen Page. She's a great actress. Then I tried falling asleep again. Nothing. I was so frustrated that I started crying. Then I wrote a very angry journal entry. I then prayed and desperately begged for sleep. Then I did sit ups and push ups. Then I finally fell asleep after laying there for another hour. I was up until 6 am. It was awful. I slept in on Tuesday morning and went into school for after break. It was the long day so I didn't get home until 6:30. I just relaxed and went to bed early.
     On Wednesday I went to school and then my host parents picked up me and my host siblings. We went out to lunch for Aurora's birthday. It was a place called Tablo Tomasso. I had ravioli, roast beef and gravy, mashed potatoes, bread, wine, and cheese cake. It was the best meal I've had in Spain so far!! Oh my goodness. It was like heaven!!! Later that night I gave Aurora a button bracelet that I made for her. I was a little worried at first because they are a little different...but she loved it!! She kept saying, "que bonita!! me encanta!!" This made me so happy. And I realized then that I just really love giving...I love giving presents...and I love giving hugs...I just love giving. I also watched the new Glee on Wednesday and I thought it was hilarious. I didn't care for the music, but the story was great. We also watched The Wizard of Oz in English class. Which I love!! I thought of Brandi, Abbie, and Tess for various reasons throughout the movie.
     On Thursday, the Pamplonians met to discuss Madrid and the Rotary trip. We bought our tickets and we're leaving this Tuesday!! We're going to stay in Madrid a day early and stay in a hostel. Then we'll meet up with Rotary on Wednesday and head for the South and Portugal!!! I am so excited!!! I get to celebrate my birthday there!! I also saw Mitch for the first time in a week. He was with his dad on vacation. He brought me back a few post cards and the Belgium chocolate that I told him to get. It was the same chocolate that Livy brought last year. When I ate it, so many memories came flooding back in. I really miss that time of my life last year...everything was so perfect...but I still love my life now!! I have so many adventures ahead of me!
     On Friday I went to Elle's house and met my next host family. They are so great! I'm really happy I get to live with them. Oh, and they have NOUGAT PILLOWS!!!! GAHHH. Elle and I made guacamole and watched Black Swan. It was a really nice night. On Saturday I took a nap and packed for the trip and watched movies. Today I came to Zuasti to skype and pack. I'm heading back for the Pamplona apartment in an hour. I don't wanna leave!! I love the Zuasti house! haha. I just miss my room, my bathroom, and the wifi. But I'll have it all back on March 18th or so...haha.
     I leave for the trip on Tuesday so this will probably be the last blog for about two weeks. I hope to have an amazing time! I hope everyone has a great two weeks as well! Besos. I love you all.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Me encanta mi vidaaaa.

     Does everyone just want to hear all my good news?? Yes? Okay. Here it is:
1. I bought a ticket for Belgium yesterday. I'm going to Belgium to see my sister Olivia from Bolivia, Livy, Liv! And I can't wait. She's my best friend.
2. I get to stay for San Fermin! The running of the bulls! The biggest party in the world (maybe not the world...but you know) I just need permission from my parents saying that I am no longer a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. Que facil, no?
3. I'm going to San Sebastian for a Rotary Conference in May...all expenses paid! Hell yes.
4. I leave for the Southern Spain/Portugal Rotary trip in 10 days! And Rotary said that we can stay in Madrid one day before the trip starts and one after we get back.
     How fabulous is my life?? And I have wifi on a Saturday. Mr. Thomson and I have been getting along fabulously lately. In the Wizard of Oz I am playing Glinda and one of the flying monkeys. I'm so excited! Hahaha. There were two other girls that wanted Dorothy and  didn't feel right raising my hand. Ha. "That's what makes me so kind." If you know "Wicked," you'll get the joke. I found a new musical last night that I am in love with: "The Wild Party." Idina Menzel was in the original cast. Amazingggggg.
     Last night we had the Rotary dinner, which are always fun. After the dinner we went to the newspaper building and learned how the newspapers are printed. It was incredible. I can't really describe it at all, but it was awesome. Now I am going to take a nap (since I didn't get home until 2:30 am last night) and then meet Elle para un cafe con leche. Then we're going out to dinner with everyone! It should be fun! Besos!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I wrote that last blog on a word document and copy and pasted it rather than writing right into my blog. Now the font won't match up with all the others and I can't figure it out. I've tried every font and every size. I just thought you all should know that. It's driving me crazy.

Biscuits and Gravy.

     Well firstly I would like to say Happy Belated Valentine’s Day to everyone. Monday was also Julia’s, my host sister, Birthday. I had a great day. I slept in and went into for my exams. Literature and Philosophy. Let’s go back to the 90s: Like gag me with a spoon. They were awful. But hey, it doesn’t matter! I tried my best. Tabea and I left after our exam and sat in the park for awhile and enjoyed the sun. I came home and ate lunch with my parents because Julia had gone out with friends. I spent the afternoon watching movies and making bracelets and eating sweet tarts until my tongue peeled. I then got to speak to my mommy! She was my Valentine. Haha. Once everyone was home, we had Julia’s birthday dinner! We ate calamari, which I loved. It was the first time I had it and they were all shocked that I liked it. I thought it was great. We then ate cheesecake for dessert and sang Happy Birthday to Julia. After dinner I gave Julia her present from me. I bought her some nail polish and lotion from Sephora and made a bracelet. I think she liked it. After dinner I stayed up late and watched The Untouchables for the first time. We watched it in English because Aurora wants to improve her English. I read the Spanish subtitles so I got practice too. It took me a long time to fall asleep that night. I think I went to bed around 2:30. 
     Yesterday was my incredibly long day at school. We listened to the song, “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars in English class and filled in the blanks. I love this song. It gets me every time. It reminds me of how much of a hopeless romantic I am. “When I see you face, there’s not a thing that I would change. ‘Cause you’re amazing just the way you are. And when I see you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile, ‘cause girl you’re amazing, just the way you are.” Isn’t that beautiful? 
     Yesterday during lunch break, I went to El Corte Ingles and bought these amazing marker-pens. They were expensive, but so worth it. My journal is absolutely beautiful now. I’m drawing little pictures and everything. They’ll be great for scrapbooking when I get home. After school I went to Athena’s with Tabea and we ate Nougat Pillows and watched an episode of a TV show that I’m too embarrassed to write here. Tabea hates the show, but Athena and I are kind of hooked...and it’s just not what we would usually like haha. But it’s legit. So whatever. I came home for dinner. We had a pizza delivered to us and I was wondering if I was still in Spain until I tasted the pizza and then I new. It was a BBQ pizza. I really liked it though. But it had quite a bit of meat on it. It was more a pizza for Korey. Her favorite pizza is meat lovers. Haha. I miss her. I went to bed at a decent hour last night! Yay.
     I did not want to wake up this morning from my dream filled night. I dreamt about biscuits and gravy and my host family. Not in the same dream...they were different. The biscuit and gravy dream took place at my Grandma Toussant’s house. Almost the entire family was there. We were making breakfast and I was one of the last to eat with three other family members. I was acting as the waitress, getting everyone’s coffee and silver wear and I just asked that they save me one biscuit with gravy. I came back and all the food was gone except for one lonely biscuit without any gravy. I was livid. I don’t ever remember being that angry in a dream. I think I actually sat up in my sleep, woke up confused, and then laid back down. It was intense. As for the dreams about my host family, I dreamt that my host dad gave me, Julia, and Alberto checks for ridiculous amounts of money for Valentine’s Day haha. And then Alberto and I became best friends! We were perfect siblings. Haha. 
      Today school was alright. Tabea, Natalie, and I were told that our history exams were really good. Victoria, our teacher, was very impressed. Thank goodness. Victoria is also my counselor at school and she called Aurora today and talked her about me. Apparently it was all good news. When I got home she told me that Victoria has seen a lot of progress in me and she’s happy with my efforts in school. Yay! We talked about that and then ate lunch. I tried a new dish today: little peppers that are seasoned. You eat them whole..everything but the stem. I said that i really liked them and Enrique started telling Julia and Alberto (whom are both going to be exchange students next year) that I am a good role model for them because the school is happy with me and I like everything. Haha. People can’t really help what they like, but it’s an advantage for me. They tell me that I like everything. It’s pretty true. I felt really in between at lunch though since Aurora and Enrique were happy with me and Alberto and Julia are like seriously? Haha. I sort of just stare at my food when that happens. Haha. 
      I watched Glee after lunch. It was great. They sang “Take Me or Leave Me” from RENT. I thought it was done fabulously. It was a good episode. And speaking of theatre, in English class today, Aine, our teacher, told us that we are going to be performing “The Wizard of Oz.” We’ll be working on it for the rest of the year. I AM SO EXCITED. Not only is it theatre, but it the Wizard of Oz!!!!! En serio?! I was so excited that I could barely manage to do the English activities. Hahaha. I know this won’t happen because I’m just the exchange student...but I want to be Dorothy. Haha. Or the Wicked Witch. But it’s not really fair for me to take a spot because this is their opportunity. I just love theatre so much. I am so excited. Anyways, that’s my past three days summed up. Two weeks until I leave for Southern Spain and Portugal with Rotary! I can’t wait! Besos.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Goodbye Good Weather :(

     The past week has been absolutely amazing and very rare for February in Pamplona. I've been meeting friends everyday and basking in the sun while chatting in parks and sitting outside of cafes. That is what I have done all week and it's been fabulous. My week went so fast! On Friday I didn't have to go to school because they were taking exams that I didn't have to take. It was wonderful! I went to a park with my friends and then went home for lunch. All of us exchangers met for dinner around 9 that night. Our intentions were to eat sushi, so we go to the restaurant and decide what we want to order only to find out moments later that they won't have sushi until the next night. So we left. Haha. We found a cute little sandwich shop that Elle had been to once and ate there. It was great! It was reasonably priced and super cute! The food was fabulous. We all went home then later that night.
    On Saturday we all met at Becca's house to make Mexican food for lunch. It was amazing! We get better at cooking...and more time goes on. We made burritos, rice, beans, and guacamole. The guacamole was incredible...props to me and Mitch...hahah. But seriously. I stayed at Becca's until 8. Natalie and I left for Pamplona then. Natalie came back to my house for a bit to see her old host family and visit. Then my host parents asked if we wanted to see a movie with them. The King's Speech. We went to the late movie. I understood the majority of it. It was hard though because I didn't know anything about it before hand. It was about King George the VI overcoming his stutter. It was so beautiful. An amazing friendship was formed. I almost cried. After the movie, we drove Nat home and then came back to Pamplona and went to bed.
     I slept in this morning and showered and then found Friends on the TV in English. I was so surprised...but I watched about 2 hours of my favorite show! It was so nice. I just sat there, laughed, and made ankle bracelets for my friends for the Southern Spain/Portugal trip (which is in 16 days!). I then ate lunch with my family and headed over to Athena's house (where I am now). I skyped with my family and sent some emails since I don't get wifi on the weekends. I'll head home for dinner and start studying for philosophy. Blehhh. The Philosophy and Literature exams are tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to them at all! Oh well. I have to a lot to get done tonight! Besos!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


     Apparently I have to take exams this week and actually study. I am not looking forward to it at all. But I will try my hardest. Today and yesterday we reviewed a lot in class which meant lots of reading and writing in my journal. I've written so much in my new journal already. I love it. Today after school I came home and received my Valentine's Day package!! I got Spanish notes, two magazines, Mint Chocolate Chip Gum, Reese's (I made the last bag last just long enough...I had one left!), M&Ms, sweet-tarts, my romper, a money belt (so I don't get mugged again ha), a card, Grandma Helen's cookbook, trail mix, spiced chai tea (SO AMAZING) and my sunglasses. It was such a great package. Thanks to my lovely parents! I love them. Today after lunch I went to the city walls and studied Spanish as I waited for my friends. It was such a beautiful day. I sat out in the sun in my sweater and listened to my music while improving this language. Once my friends were there we sat on the walls and talked and then moved to a cafe where we sat and talked some more. When I came home, Julia and her friend were here and I got on my computer and talked to them. They are boy crazy so they were asking me who I thought was the most "guapo" in my class and I told them who I thought. Julia was shocked...she thinks maybe I got the name wrong...but I don't think I did. Haha. That's kind of embarrassing, no? Speaking of embarrassing....I got my philosophy test back yesterday. Wanna hear my score? Negative one out of ten. That's right. I managed to get a negative grade. Never in my life...hahhaha. I think it's funny. I get a negative one and she tells me that I shouldn't use pencil on my tests...ever. C'mon lady....get your priorities straight. She's crazy. Haha. That exam is going to be the death of me. Tomorrow I have History of Spain and History of Art. And I'm probably going to fail. Miserably. But I'll smile through the pain. That's what Mr. Sholtis told me once. He said, "Biddle, you just smile through the pain, don't you?" Yes sir.
     Tonight for dinner we had kebabs and I almost threw up. I ate them so often in the beginning of the year that I can barely stomach them now. I felt so bad, but I could not eat much at all. My host dad told me that I never am forced to eat food and I can choose when to stop. Haha. That was very nice of him. I kept saying sorry because I was brought up to waste no food at all. If you take, you eat it. My host dad said, "You don't like to throw out food do you?" I shook my head. We agreed that it's terrible when there are people dying of hunger. I'm glad we agree. My stomach still feels a little uneasy. I'll drink a lot of water...maybe some Reese's...they help everything. Always. I need to study for my exams and then get some much needed sleep. I still have trouble falling asleep here though. I can adjust to pretty much everything excepts for beds. I just need tons of pillows and blankets and softness. And Chancie! He's so cute. Goodnight everyone. Besos!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Five Months!

     Today I celebrated five months in Spain! I'm exactly half way through the year...which is exciting because I'm getting closer to all the fun stuff, but it's going to fly by and be over before I know it. Today at school I wrote 4 pages in my journal, front and back, and now it is finished. I start my new one tomorrow. Or perhaps, tonight. Today for art class we went on a field trip to the park and saw a small art gallery. It was modern and I wasn't really a fan. There was just picture after picture of plants. I thought it got kind of old...but Tabea really liked it. It just wasn't my cup of tea. I love art, but not this art.
     After school I walked home and ate lunch with Enrique and Julia. Enrique made lunch today because Aurora is on vacation with her parents until Friday. He did a good job! We had chicken salad, eggs, and ham. Muy buena. Then I met Athena, Elle, and Becca in town and we went shopping an then to a cafe (of course). I bought these little white shoes that were only 4 Euro!! They are so cute! They look beach-y. At the cafe I ordered hot chocolate and a chocolate muffin. Can you say yummy? After hanging out with them for a few hours I headed home and ate dinner with my family. Milena cooked for us tonight. It was muy rica!! Since dinner I've showered and spent some quality time with Mr. Thomson, my wifi, who has returned from the dead! I knew he would come back for me.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reunited!...and it's feels so good!

     So, my weekend. On Friday I talked to Livy and my Dad on skype and then walked to Athena's house. Tabea came over shortly after and we painted our nails and watched movies and talked. We ate dinner with Maite and Merche. It was so nice to talk to them...I felt like I was back at home. It was so nice.
     On Saturday I slept in at Athena's before heading home for lunch. Once I was home I showered and then realized that I didn't have my phone with me and the internet was not working, so I walked to Athena's to get my phone. From there, I was able to talk to Elle (we had plans for her to stay the night with me) and she said she could meet me in an hour or so. Well, with my hour, I went shopping! I bought a new skirt and four shirts all for 35 Euro!! Who said I couldn't find the deals in Europe?! Look at me now! I then met Elle and we took our things back to my house and then changed our clothes. We walked to Cafe Iruna and drank Cokes outside the famous cafe. We then bought spaghetti noodles and sauce and headed back to the apartment to make that for dinner since my host parents were out of town for the night. The spaghetti was fabulous and we made amazing garlic bread!! It was so delicious! We spent the rest of the night watching movies and talking. It was so perfect. I love our American nights!
     Today I ate in the Ciudadela, the biggest park in central Pamplona, with Elle and Becca. The weather is absolutely gorgeous!! About 66 degrees F!!! It's amazing. I got to show off my new skirt! Oh and when Elle and I were sitting in the park waiting for Becca, a really cute journalist from the local paper interviewed Elle and me!! We may be in the paper!! YAY! After our lunch we went to an internet cafe where we all got something to drink and then I checked my facebook and email and skyped with Bran for a little bit. Elle and Becca had gotten up to go get something at the counter as Brandi told me the story that made my week...month even. I will explain. There is a little boy that comes to get surgery in the Dominican every year that I have gone. This little boy is so brave, calm, and mature. He is only eight. He is my inspiration. He pushes me to work harder and change the lives of others every day...He's touched my life so much that I brought a framed picture of him with me here. So I love this little boy. But let's keep in mind that I only see him for a week every year and I did not speak much Spanish before...So Brandi tells me that he came this year and he asked about me and drew me a picture. As soon as she spoke those words my eyes welled up and tears streaked my face. I felt so touched. I felt so happy that we have both touched each others' lives. I don't know. It's kind of hard to explain this hahah. Anyways, my friends told me they were really concerned, but as they sat down I told them they were happy tears! Haha.
     I left the cafe and came to Athena's house so I could skype with my mom and Brandi. It was so nice. My mommy and I cried as we said goodbye...It's been a hard couple of weeks...but we got through it. We just missed each other a lot. I'm still at Athena's now. I'll stay for a little while longer and then head home for dinner. I really do hope that I can get wifi again, but we'll see. It's hard being an exchange student and not having constant internet access because it's our connection to our other world and the way we communicate with each other since cell phones here are so damn expensive. Oh well. I'm working through it haha. I don't know when I'll the chance to blog again. Besos everyone! Enjoy the superbowl.....GO PACKERS! :) Lea Michele is singing!!! BREAK A LEG LEA!!! (That's what I really care about...the performances!!)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Pleasant Surprise.

     Today, a lot of students in my class went to the university to take a French exam. I think this lasted most of the day because they never came to school. This meant that I didn't have to do anything all day at school, except in Literature. There were only four of us in that class, Tabea and I making up half. So she made us read, of course. It was awful, of course. I get so nervous and I tense up and cannot breathe and I feel like I am stuttering like crazy. It's so embarrassing.
     After school I walked home and ate lunch with Aurora and Julia. I relaxed and watched The Amazing Race (season 2!) and wrote some emails. I then sewed some buttons on to Tabea's coat that had come loose and got ready for theatre. I headed to Athena's house (my first house) first, to pick up a letter. The letter was from Mary Jane Flores! I was so excited. I enjoyed the letter so much and then headed off to theatre.
    Theatre was fine. I didn't stay too long before heading home for dinner, which is where I am now. I'm exhausted and I haven't even done much haha. Just listening and attempting to speak in a foreign language all day is very tiring. I need my sleep to learn this language and to control my emotions haha. When I am sleep deprived, I more prone to crying. Ah well. That's life. Anyways, here's to a good day that flew by! Besos! Goodnight :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


     School today was completely normal. There's absolutely no need to elaborate there. After Julia and I walked home from school together, Aurora, Alberto, Julia, and I ate lunch. We had beans and meat. It was yummy. After lunch I spent some time on my computer with "Mr. Thomson." I don't a wifi service here, so I have to get it from an open network, which just so happens to be THOMSON (yes, in all caps). Last night, Julia was not able to get said wifi on her laptop. My host mom said, "He doesn't love you Julia." So Julia is holding the computer saying, "Guapoooooo!!!" (Handsome). The I said, "Mr. Thomson, por favor!!!" And then, Mr. Thomson was created. Julia just used my computer last night.
     After spending my quality time with Mr. Thomson, I met Tabea and Athena at our usual little cafe. On the way to the cafe I was listening to my iPod and a song by the Dixie Chicks came on. If you know me, you know that I'm not a fan of country music. But I was really into this song. I felt like I was rebelling against myself and all of Pamplona. I would fall over if I heard a country song playing in Pamplona. Hahah. I'm so lame. Anyways, back to the cafe...I got cafe con leche and we sat and talked for about an hour. We then headed for the post office so I could send some letters and bracelets home. I didn't have envelopes, so I thought I'd be clever and make my own, but apparently they don't accept home made envelopes. I bought a medium sized envelope there and sent them all to my house. My family can be the mail men (women). After the post office, Athena, Tabs, and I went to El Corte Ingles. The eight story everything store. We straight for the cosmetics section and started trying on makeup. Athena had Tabea spray her face with gold glitter...thinking only a little bit would stay/get on her face. was everywhere....and it did not come off. Athena had to buy her makeup with glitter covering her face. It was so funny.
     I came home and ate dinner. And it turns out that Mr. Thomson loves Julia today. She got internet! Yay! My dad received the package that they sent to me in September yesterday...interesting. Whatever haha I'm just glad it made it somewhere safe. And today he received the Christmas package that I sent over a month ago!! Hahahah. He opened his presents from me and we were both so happy! Anyways, it's time for me to go to bed. Goodnight everyone. Besos!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Other House.

      So right now the kitchen is being redone in house in Zuasti. It just so happens that my family owns an apartment in the middle of Pamplona (wow). We're here for about three weeks while the kitchen is being finished. Now, the wifi is a little bit of a pain, but I can get it right now on the main floor, so I'm not complaining. I get in my room sometimes too! Yay. The apartment is very modern. Everything is white. There are two floors, sort of. It's a loft, I believe. It's so cool. My bed here is smaller but softer than the one in Zuasti. I think I'll sleep very well here.
     A few things about my weekend:

1. I watched the movie "Spy Game" with my host parents. We watched it in English with Spanish subtitles. I think we started the movie late because I didn't understand everything that was going on. That's not how it usually goes when I watch movies in my native language. Sometimes, when watching shows/movies in Spanish, I just sort of make something up if I didn't understand it. It works out well for me.
2. For dinner on Saturday night we ate bocadillos, which are sandwiches, and then I had my tea. Something interesting: my tea bag floated the entire time. Is this odd? I found it odd. I drink a lot of tea and the bag usually does not float.
3. Lately, I have been hooked on The Amazing Race. My friend Tessa Yoder and I want to enter when we're 21. I think we could do pretty well. Since she has been mentioning entering this show so much, I figured I should at least watch a few I finished the  first season...tonight. Hahaha. I have a problem? Yepp. Pretty sure I do.
4. I didn't leave the house once all weekend because I was sick. Oh well. It was kind of nice to just sit and make bracelets.
5. I found Even Stevens, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Friends on the TV here. I understand! Por fin!
6. My host family kept calling me "probrecita" all weekend, which means "poor little thing." Haha. I went through an entire roll of toilet paper that I used as tissues because I didn't have enough...ha.

     Mmmm. We just got done with dinner, so I'm sitting at the table blogging, and my host mom brings in smoothies. We've been having them a lot lately, and they're great. I love them.
     This week so far (I know it's been like two days) has been full of ups and downs.The downs are that I am sick, and that I am really missing being in the Dominican right now. It feels strange...I miss it so much. There is no way that I am missing it next year. No way. And as for the sickness, I stayed home from school today. I could not fall asleep last night until 3 am. Then today I tried to sleep but the kitchen construction was too loud. I'll sleep heavenly tonight. I went to the pharmacy to buy cld medicine and vicks. They didn't have cold medicine....?????? So I bought the vicks and it's helping. Okay I'm sick and I'm getting over it blah, blah, blah...not important. Good news: I've been accepted to the Ohio State Mount Leadership Scholars Program! I am so excited. I wanted it so badly. I can't wait to go to Ohio State. I feel like I am really going to love it there. And hey, I'll only be three hours away from home. That's nothing!
     So at the moment I'm feeling pretty good. I'm really missing my mom, but I'll get to talk to her before I know it. Ojala. Now it's time to get some rest. My passion for blogging has returned, so you'll be hearing a lot more from me! Goodnight! Besos :)