Thursday, September 30, 2010

Smile and Nod

        I'd like you to meet two good friends of mine: Smile and Nod. They can save you anytime, any place...nine times out of ten. When I introduce them or bring them around again people can't help but show me their friends Smile and Nod as well. It's crazy! They're so great.
        Welcome to what I do with a lot of my time: smiling and nodding. It really does work. People like you when they think you understand and you do it with a smile. It makes for a more pleasant atmosphere. But I have to say, today I understood so much more in school. I even got parts of what my Economics teacher was saying. It was great. I'm going to get a lot of sleep tonight and hope for the same success tomorrow. Today went fast. Thursdays are always great. I hate the librarian though. She yelled at me today for listening to my iPod. Really? No one is in the library except Natalie and myself and Miss Librarian has her own office. Ugh. I hate being yelled at. I feel like an eight year old. But I smile and nod regardless. Good thing I'm an actress.
        Today after school Natalie came over and we ate lunch and I burned her some CDs. She now has Glee and Elton and Fame and many great others. She read Eat Pray Love while I skyped with my mom and Grandma Toussant. It was a surprise that Grandma would be there!! I was so excited. After the hour that we talked my face hurt from smiling so much. I got to talk to my dad for a little bit too! We all agreed that we need to start skyping less, so our next date is set for Wednesday. A week. That's a long time. I mean it's also an extremely short time too. It will give me something to look forward to though. I'm just really close with my family. Natalie says she's not skyping again with her parents until Thanksgiving. I told her I'm skyping at least once a week until they are here with me. Everyone is different though and we both respect that. I just need to know what is still going on in their lives and I need to hear their voices and see them smile and make fun of me. Emails are nice, but they are just not the same. But I can do this. One week.
         After Natalie left and I said goodbye to my family I got ready for a Rotary meeting. Natalie and I met and then headed to the post office so she could send some post cards and then we made it to La Chistera for the meeting. The meeting was fine. We just talked with the Rotarians and them how our lives were and gave them our Emergency Fund. $400 Euros. We get it back though towards the end of the year. Thank goodness. That's $500 U.S. Dollars. After the meeting we exchange students made plans for tomorrow evening. We're going out for Mitchell's birthday and then Natalie is staying the night.  On Saturday we're planning on going shopping! I most likely will not blog tomorrow night since she will be here. I'm excited! After we made plans we all headed home. I showered and had dinner. Salad. Look out! I did the dishes and now I am so ready for bed. I might have to watch an episode of That 70s Show though :)
        I hope all is well at home. Shout out to Katie who had an amazing round of golf the other day!! I'm so happy for you love! Her birthday is coming up everyone! (October 5th, mark your calendar). Tomorrow is a big day for football at home. GO DUKES! It's homecoming, right? Have fun anyone who is going! I'll be dancing in the Turkish Kebab restaurant tomorrow night! I love you all. Have a great weekend. Send me a message. Besos y abrazos!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some Strike.

     So today there was a nationwide strike in Spain. San Cernin did not get the memo. Every single one of my teachers showed up. I had a pretty slow morning with language and history back to back. Ugh. My school day was pretty typical. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I had to read in Literature again. I run out of breath so quickly because I am SO NERVOUS and then I am trying to read quickly like the other students and the teacher is not stopping me anywhere. I was panting after two pages. During school today I couldn't help but think about Grandma Biddle all day. I hope everything is okay. I just can't get her off my mind. I'm probably making something out of nothing. I think she would be mad if she knew I was worrying about her. I love her. And Grandpa and Grandma Toussant too!
      I came home from school and ate lunch. I had some kind of really thick soup-almost like gravy. It was great though. I know it doesn't sound pleasant, but I pleasantly enjoyed it :) I had an orange and some chocolate too. After lunch I got a lot accomplished. First, I watched Glee. AMAZING. I was smiling the entire time. This season is fantastic. It was the Britney Spears episode. Slave 4 U, Toxic, Stronger, Hit Me Baby One More Time?! This is what I grew up to! Love it. After my amazing hour of Glee I practiced some Spanish online, sewed a shirt, did my exercises, cleaned the bathroom, worked on a Christmas present for a special someone, and flossed. Then I skyped with Tess. It was so nice to see her. I haven't talked to her in such a long time! I'm so happy that her life is all music. She picked the perfect field for her. Everyone should go see her in Pirates of Penzance in October! (She will be so mad if she sees this, but she doesn't have time to read my blogs!). Then I worked on some iTunes song naming and went through and edited every blog. I'm going to print these out and make a book for myself. So I will have this and all my journals. I wrote eight pages today in my journal!! I'm more than half way through it and it's only been three weeks. I'll have an entire suitcase full of journals and nougat pillows. Oh Dios mio.
       For dinner tonight we had salad. Tomatoes, corn, onion, tuna, pickles and then of course olive oil, vinegar, and salt. This might sound gross to you. I would have thought it was nasty a month ago. I am starting to love the food!!! Salads, fruits, vegetables, chocolate, and fresh bread every day! I LOVE the fresh bread. I should probably eat a tad less of that every day.
      I hope tomorrow's blog is a little more eventful and interesting. Today flew by, but it didn't make for good reading for all of you. Apologies! I'll make a crazy story for tomorrow! Thursdays are always great. English and French first thing. Yes. Have a great night everyone! Love for all. Buenas noches.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Morning Person

I've officially made it three weeks in the real world. This is the longest I have ever been away from my family and my home, and to be honest, I'm proud of myself. I can't believe it has been three weeks already. Soon it will have been a month. Then, before I know it, I will be in Portugal/Southern Spain with the other exchangers (on my birthday!) and then traveling Europe with my family and saying goodbye to my new family and then at home with Chance and then at Katie's Graduation Party with everyone and then at Ohio State starting another chapter in my life. I think I need to calm down a little...but seriously, that is how it is going to be. There are not enough hours in a day. It's 11:19 PM and I feel like I could be up until 3 AM getting stuff done. Not that I'm going to  though...sleep is one of my top priorities right now. I'm sick. Ears, nose, throat. Merche gave me some medicine tonight. She threw the pill in my glass of water and made me stare at it for 30 seconds and then she said I could have it. Interesting. I hope it helps.

This morning I went to the police station with Merche to make an appointment for my visa extension/student card. It's in the bad part of town, or so Merche says. waited in line for half an hour just to get a slip with a date and time to return. October 6th. Yay. I will be so happy when all of this is settled. I'm so sick of appointments and documents and blue ink and multiple copies. Living legally in Spain is exhausting. Maybe I should have exchanged to Texas. Ha. Me, in Texas. Howdy y'all. I prefer Hola, que tal? I know this is worth every minute I've put behind it.

I returned to school towards the end of second period. I walked in the school and waited for the crazy hall lady (who typically yells at me for using the wrong staircase at the wrong time) to give me a pass to class. She just told me to go there. I didn't need anything. Hmm. Okay. So I go to the classroom and knock on the door. Twice. Nothing. So I open it and the entire class stares at me. My history teacher gives me a mysterious look as I attempt to explain myself in Spanish. She eventually just nods. So at this point I have distracted class and I'm about to do it again because the lockers are in the room and I have to use my itty bitty key for my itty bitty lock. Why? I wish I knew the answer. I sat through history and tried to pay attention. She's just a little monotoned, but she has pink glasses, so that's cool. After history I had philosophy. My teacher speaks was too fast. No entiendo. She was handing out graded papers by calling the name of the student. As the student went to the front of the class to get it she would comment on how this student did on this piece of work. Good and bad. Mostly bad. How embarrassing. I'm glad I didn't turn a paper in. She would have told me the only philosophy I need to worry about is that I am here and I am living. During break Natalie and I were sent to Chorus. I was so excited. Then I waked in the room. Natalie and I are at least four years older than every other student in the room. Never the less, we sang and paid attention and gave effort. At the end of rehearsal we told the director that we weren't really interested because we needed to make friends and get to know people our age. She was fine with it. I'm really disappointed though because I miss singing adn being part of something that is bigger than me. I miss choir with Mrs. Paniter and all my friends...

 After break today Natalie and I had English and "French" back to back. Glorious. We talked about expressions with "luck" the entire time. Natalie and I are so sick of this word now. It's not pretty anymore.

We then came to my apartment after school and had lunch. Lunch was fantastic today. We had eggplant with cheese and ham cooked into it. I love eggplant! This was so amazing. Then I made Natalie try Nougat Pillows, so we each had a delicious bowl of those. I'm bringing lots of Nougat Pillows back home. Why do we not have these in the USA?! Each one is like a little bite of heaven. Mmm. Nat and I napped and then headed back to school and stayed after and talked for a bit as we waited for her ride to come. I came home to an empty house with a note asking for me to go to the libreria and buy some bread. You get a entire bagette for 1 Euro. It's amazing. So I went and bought it. Walking home I felt like a true European. I showered and talked to Brandi on Skype and then had some dinner. I'm really adjusting to the food. I'm starting to love it. At first I didn't care for it much, but now I am building my appetite and really enjoying what I eat. It just took some time for me to used to such different cuisine. After dinner I washed the dishes (it's my week) and watched the Simpsons with Maite. I noticed tonight that I am starting to understand more. Not a lot, but more.

My blog bits for the day:
1. I love my back pack. Best $50 I've spent.
2. I miss my belt. Hurry up Spanish Postal Service.
3. I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender (great show) in Spanish yesterday :)
4. I'm dishes/bathroom duty this week. Chores!!!
5. The librarian is not a very nice lady to Natalie and I. Rude.
6. My lengua teacher can work wonders with her's crazy.
7. They don't push tacks all the way against the board. I'm rather observant about some things.
8. I love the name Lena. Pronounced like Elaina without the "e."

The song "Morning Person" is from Shrek: The Musical. It just came on and I think it is such a fitting title. I can't wait to go to sleep so that I can wake up and eat some Nougat Pillows. They have made me a morning person. You guys seriously don't know what you're missing. Sorry about your luck ( I'm actually learning in English class!). Enjoy eating Special K America! Buenas noches!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Nougat Pillows=Asombroso.

Today I woke up from 8 glorious hours of sleep to go to school. I had history first period today, and I hate to say that I didn't pay attention much because I just could not stop journaling. I realize this is not good, but I couldn't help myself. I wrote six pages today. My journal is nearly halfway through. Crazy. I have really found a love for writing in the short time I've been here. My journal is my vice. It contains all of my thoughts and I would be lost without it now. I made another list throughout my day:

1. There are tons of mirrors here. You always know how you look.
2. I have salad for dinner almost every night. Last night it was just tomatoes and onions with oil and vinegar. This is very typical. Very Mediterranean.
3. You flush the toilet with a button on the top of the toilet. One on the side just seems silly now. Haha.
4. Some kid got yelled at in class today for not paying attention. The kid next to me was asleep...and nothing.
5. BESOS! A kiss on each cheek every time you meet someone new. I've had to kiss a lot of strangers in the past three weeks. It's a good thing I don't really need personal space.
6. The USA's entertainment industry freaking rocks. Most of the shows and movies here are American with Spanish voice-overs. Spongebob and The Simpsons are EVERYWHERE.
7. I realized today why most foreigners haven't heard of Dr. Seuss. He's a poet. All in rhyme. You can't translate that!
8. I eat Nougat Pillows for breakfast. It's a cereal with chocolate squares filled with chocolate nougat. I found a cereal that I love! They are great.
9.The town shuts down for lunch. This is like 2:30-5 that some places are closed. It's still so bizarre to me.
10. I forgot to mention in my blog last night that at the parade Natalie and I were attacked by part of the festival. People dress up and wear huge heads on their head and they go around and hit people with this sponge on a stick like thing. I thought he was going for my head so I put my arms up and he hit my but like three times. Nat got it worse though.

So I am sick from not getting enough sleep. I tried to nap twice today and I could not fall asleep either time. I don't understand this. I'm tired! I feel like I could sleep for days! But no. Maybe I just need Chancie for naps? Perhaps. I miss him. I miss him so much. But I think he's happy. He still sleeps in my bed all the time. He is so precious. My little best friend.

Today I had a cream cheese sandwich for almuerzo. It was great! My favorite bocadillo so far! I've never had a cream cheese sandwich until today. I was telling Natalie this and she said she has them all the time at home. I was shocked. Does anyone at home do this? I want to know. Have you been hiding this from me for years?!

So when I write my blog I usually skim through my journal entries for the day because they include my thoughts and what I did...but these six pages are mostly about chap stick. My lips were so chapped today. I ran out of soft lips a week ago so my mom put some in my care package that STILL ISN'T HERE. Please hurry up Spanish Postal Service. I need my soft lips and cookies and magazines...and more importantly my watch. I have to be a creeper and look off my classmates' watches to see how many more dreadful minutes until Economics is over. I don't understand my teacher at all in that class and it is my last class of the day on Mondays and Thursdays. Ugh. I still don't have this schedule memorized yet. It's different every day!! I don't have that much more room in my's being taken over by headaches just from listening. The language gets a tiny bit easier every day but I still feel like I should know so much more by now. It's frustrating. When I go to the library for study hall I head to the children's section and read their books. That's my level right now. Tonight I went to Senora B's webpage and worked on some Spanish websites that I used in her class. They helped. I'll just start small and keep practicing and practicing and practicing. That's what it's going to take. I'll just be persistent. It always works out for me. Eventually.

Tonight I'm going to eat dinner and then Skype with my Mom and Brandi. This is the longest I've gone without Skyping my Mom. I think that is why I have been more emotional (that and the fact that I don't know how to take a freaking nap) these past days. Then I can sleep! Tomorrow is my long day. I have two extra hours of school tomorrow, but that's fine because it's good practice.

I hope all is well at home. We had a fabulous football fin de semana (weekend...sorry I had to keep the alliteration going). Go Dukes and Buckeyes!! Speaking of Buckeyes--I've never been more excited to be attending school there next year! I've started my application! I really do love Ohio. There is no place like home. But, on the other hand, there is no place like SPAIN. I'm here. In Europe. Eating dinner at 10 and speaking Castilian and walking everywhere I go. I joined a parade the other night! Who does that?! Anytime I say that I miss this or that and am homesick know that yes, it's hard. This is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I'm in Spain! I'm hanging out with friends and eating in Turkish Kebab restaurants and joining parades and dancing in the streets! I mean you have to feel the rain to know how warm the sun is, right? My life is and always has been amazing. Asombroso. 

This is a video of the dancing in the street and the picture above is me with a huge part of the parade. There are people that make those costumes dance. It's amazing. You have to watch out though!

Te quiero Estados Unidos! Te extrano! Besos de Pamplona!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Roller Coaster Ride.

My year is a roller coaster ride. Flips, turns, 360s, sudden stops, sudden starts, etc. It just depends on the ride. Roller coasters have the capability of completely surprising you even when you can see the track ahead. They bring many highs and lows, screams and cheers, and thrills and rushes. It's a great thing I love roller coasters because this is my life. Emotionally I am in an array of ups and downs: laughter and tears. I never know what is coming next even if I think I do. But roller coasters are amazing. They provide us with some of the greatest excitement we'll ever have. And something that is consistent with most rides is that they are over before you know it. And we'll stand in line to ride it again and again just because of the amazing take off or incredibly awesome 360 in the middle, even if the ride hurts our neck or leaves us feeling nauseous. Buckle up.

Last night was great. Natalie and I joined the parade of San Fermin in the middle of the city. That was fun. The streets were completely packed with people dancing and playing music and enjoying the show. After we escaped from the parade we met the other exchange students living in Pamplona in el Plazo del Castillo. From there we went to a Turkish Restaurant: Kebab. It was great! The food was fantastic and cheap and they had a Beyonce CD on. We had a blast. It's our hangout from now on. After this we went to the park and hung out and talked for awhile. Then we walked the streets of Pamplona. I sang as we walked and loved every minute of it. I cannot wait until Choir starts. I need to sing more often. Natalie and I were picked up by her host dad and then I spent the night at her house. The house is in a suburb of Pamplona and it is gorgeous. It's where I am staying next. The family is great, so I'm really happy about that. We watched TV and made button rings and then headed to bed. This morning we woke up and had breakfast then I headed home on the 11:30 bus. I did some catching up on my computer and then went to lunch at my host grandparents house. We didn't stay long. I just got back from the movies with Merche and some of her friends. We saw Eat Pray Love!! It was great. Again. I understood quite a bit...but I basically have it memorized haha. Now I am here. I am so tired now. I'm going to shower and have dinner and possibly do some reading and skyping. I'm starting to get a cold so sleep is really important right now! It's just hard with eating dinner around 9:30-10 every night.

I've had an emotional past couple of days but I think that is because I am very tired. Plus, it's all part of it. How would anyone expect me not to miss family and friends as great as mine? It's hard, but my life here is great and getting better each day. I'm discovering myself and finding a life here. This wouldn't be worth it if I wan't hard. I love my friends and family, I love Alliance, I love Pamplona, I love my life.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Speak American

I speak American and so do you. Really. I have an English class here and I am actually learning. British English is very different from American English I m beginning to realize. For example they spell organization "organisation" and they use different prepositions with certain phrases. It's very different, but I am learning none the less, which is the point.

I compiled a list of more random differences and interesting things about me:

1. A lady comes around to every classroom at school to collect attendance.
2. Not all the teachers have laptops or even computers.
3. The only thing on the brick walls in the classroom is a Cross.
4. The girls don't carry purses here during school. Issue for me.
5. I really think I am going to love History, Literature, and History of Art as soon as I can understand what is going on.
6. I get Spanish headaches from listening and concentrating all day. It's exhausting.
7. My feet are so clean! We always wear socks or slippers around the house. They do not go barefoot here. At home I go barefoot everywhere. Around my house and in the yard...
8. I am really craving some Biscuits and Sausage Gravy from The Sugar Shak. If you want a good breakfast go there and order that with a large orange juice. Yummy. They honestly sound like the most amazing thing right now. I really love B&G.
9. There are no such thing as hall passes. I learned my lesson yesterday not to drink an entire bottle of water on an empty stomach when you can't go to the bathroom. Gahh.
10. The mall here is amazing. That is where I saw the movie.
11. I really miss all of the posters in Mr. Locke's room.
12. I'm losing weight here. I don't eat as much and what I do eat is pretty healthy. I usually do sit ups and push ups before bed now.

I had a great day at school yesterday. I was just in a really great mood. Natalie and I kept talking about all the things we want to do and see in the little time that we have. We did a school days count down: 150. Not bad at all. Then she said something that really made me laugh. She was talking about how our insurance covered prosthetic limbs. She said she saw a store for them here in Pamplona and she said she wanted an arm. I was a little in shock, thinking "why would you want to lose you arm?!" And she told me that she didn't want to replace her arm, she just wanted another one because it would really come in "handy." No pun intended. HAHAHA. I laughed. After break I had Literature. In Lit they all take turns reading the novel for the class. The teacher asked if I wanted to and I was a little hesitant but they all encouraged me to read, so I did. I read in Spanish out loud in front of all native speakers! I was nervous but afterwards they all told me a did a great job and it made me feel so good. Lit was the last class of the day and after this I was asked by two different groups of girls to hang out this weekend. I can't go because I already have plans for tonight with the other exchangers, but this made me so happy!! I can't wait to be friends with all of them. They all seem so nice and fun.

When I arrived home from school I ate lunch and watched some TV. Then I headed to the post office to send another letter and check if my package had arrived yet. It has not :( There are cookies in there! Hurry up snail mail! I got a little lost on the way there because I thought I was taking the shortcut. Apparently not. I just asked someone for help and I was there in no time. I don't mid getting lost here. I never feel unsafe. All of the people are friendly and I only walk by myself when it's light outside. After the post office I made some bracelets and sent some emails. The plan was to go to the school dance, but I didn't know any of the details and it just got too confusing. Long story short, I stayed home. I skyped quite a bit last night because Merche and Maite were both out. Once they arrived home I helped Merche make dinner (salad) and set the table. After dinner I got to talk to Brandi. I needed to see her. It was one of the best hours of my week. I love her so much. She is my best friend. She makes me laugh when I talk to her which is exactly what I need.

Tonight I am going into town with the other exchangers to have a birthday dinner for Natalie (her birthday is tomorrow). I made her a little present. I'm sure you all can guess what it is. I'm then staying the night at her house so I can't blog tonight, but I'm sure Sunday night's blog will be a fun one. It's going to be a great day. We should start out each day with this attitude. We have the power control our attitudes in situations and make the best of everything. I'm off to a great start.

Have a great day America! I love you. Besos de Pamplona.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Didn't I See This Movie?

The first thing I wrote in my journal today was "Today is going to be great," and it was. I woke up and went to school as usual and had English and French back to back. I love Thursdays. My schedule is different every day. I'm not sure if I already mentioned this or not, but it's going to take me a long time to memorize. I had Latin today too. Apparently there was a test. The teacher didn't even give me one. I love this teacher. I wrote in journal for an hour. My journal has become a best friend to me. I always have it now and I write all the time. I also tape in tickets and cards, some receipts, you know, little things. After counting down the minutes in Economy, school was over. Natalie came over and we showed each other pictures of our houses and schools. After she left I took my first real Spanish siesta. Heavenly. When I woke up from my nap I cleaned my room and wrote some emails. We ate dinner around 9:30 and then I went to the movies at 10:30.

I went to the movies with my host sister's boyfriend and some of his friends (he's a lot older than she is. He's in college I'm pretty sure). He is was so nice to me. Asking me lots of questions and making me practice my Castellano. We had to drive to get to the mall that the theater was in and it felt nice to be riding in a car with someone my age listening to American rock music. Thunderstruck by ACDC was on when I got in. I love that song. We met Inigo's friends in the food court and then headed to see Resident Evil 4 in 3-D. Inigo wouldn't let me pay him for the ticket. The movie theater was great. It reminded me a lot of Tinseltown, but different. Everything is different though. The movie was about zombies. Interesting. I had a good time though. I would never choose to go see this movie but somehow the 3-D glasses, Spanish language, and free ticket made it enjoyable. I feel like I learned a lot just from watching one movie. I think I need to start watching more TV. On the way home we listened to more rock songs and rounded many round-abouts. There are round-abouts EVERYwhere here. I would be so lost and afraid. I'm so thankful that I'm not allowed to drive here. Before we pulled into the apartment parking lot Inigo switched ahead a couple of songs to That 70s Show theme song. I just about died. I told him that this was my absolute favorite show of all time. I was honestly just watching it today as I made some bracelets and cleaned my room. I told him that I brought it with me and he said that I needed to start watching it in Castellano. I'm so excited for that!!

I'm really starting to find my place and love it here. Tomorrow night there is a school dance that I'm going to. I'm sure my blog tomorrow will be pretty interesting. I'm excited to dance. Me gusta bailar :) Well it's 1:20 AM here. Goodnight everyone. Besos!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Croquettes Are Hopping!

I'm a fan of word play. Stupid jokes. They make me happy. This past year, on Black Friday, I was shopping with Tess and Brandi. My mom had mentioned something about buying a "Cricut" (a scrap booking cutting machine) and I was telling Tess this. Tess said that her aunt just bought one too, and Mrs. Painter was going to order one as well. So I said, "The Cricuts are hopping!" I thought it was hysterical and if you know Brandi and Tess, you know they did not. Today I had the pleasure of eating the most amazing food I've had in Spain so far: croquettes. Amazing. They look like hush puppies and taste like heaven. I think it was the most I've eaten since I've been here. I loved them! So I thought the title was fitting.

I had great day. School was alright. I'm still not understanding a whole lot, but it'll come. After school I had my amazing lunch and then watched some TV with Maite. Then I met Natalie in town at the Plazo del Castillo. We went to the post office (that's right, I sent some mail out to some of you!) and then searched tourists shops for postcards. We also went to El Corte Ingles. It's takes up an entire block and it about 8 stories high. It's like a Macy's that's about 587575 times better with a supermarket, restaurant, and travel agency in it. It's incredible. A super jumbo department/everything you could possibly ever need store. We bought some ice-cream (yuummm) and found all the great china shops. We found the "Everything is Two Euros Store." I can totally find the sales here: promise. Then we were searching for a place to spend Saturday night for Natalie's birthday celebration :) On the way home we found an amazing music shop. They have so much Elton, it's crazy!! I bought Evita and Natalie bought N'SYNC. Love. I went to their concert in fourth grade! After wandering the city for hours we came back here, to the apartment and imported our CDs and found a website where we can watch Glee (Hulu doesn't work internationally. Wahh). Natalie left and I watched Glee and loved it! Then I folded some laundry, ate dinner, and showered. Now, here I am. Exhausted.

 My days go so quickly here. The time is slipping away and I have plans every day until Monday. It's great. I'm feeling my life forming here. Even though I am missing everyone, I am finding people that I love and enjoying my time. I miss Brandi. I miss my sister, my best friend. I talk about her all the time or think what her reaction would be to whatever just happened and I usually end up laughing. I love you, sissy. I love everyone else at home too!! Send me an email at and I promise to email you back! Besos y abrazos amigos!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Something Has Changed Within Me

It's been two weeks since I got on plane in Cleveland and said hasta luego to everything I knew. This is a day I will never forget, but it already seems like lifetimes ago. I think it feels so long ago because I have experienced so much in these past two weeks. Everything is new, so you take everything in-or at least you try to. Because of this, I feel different already. I am changing. I can feel myself changing. My personality remains the same but my mentality is in a whirlwind of so many new thoughts and ideas. I feel stronger now. I feel like I've had to do some growing up. But I feel like I need to find my balance. I need to find the happy medium between my friends and family at home and my life here in Spain. This is challenging. Muy dificil. But I will find my balance, discover my life here and keep the strong connections with all the people I love.

I had school today. Forever. After the first part of school, Natalie came over and we took a siesta. Well she did and I worked on my OSU application. We headed back to school at 4:15. I sat through Language and Latin. Ahhh. I do not understand my Language teacher. I try to pay attention and listen, but it is so much harder than I expected. So I do the reading and look up all the vocabulary I don't know. Woo! Spanish is just going to be a struggle for now. Natalie and I cannot wait until we're having conversations in Spanish!

I forgot to mention here last night that in Madrid I had a "it really is a small world" experience. I was in the metro station waiting to get on the metro for Puerta del Sol talking to the other exchange students (in English of course). There was a guy (about 21 or 22 years old) waiting as well. He heard us speaking in English and he asked us all where we were from. We all shouted out our states obnoxiously and he said, "Ohio? I go to Ohio State." Of course I'm already excited. I tell him that I'm going there next year and I can't wait. Then I asked him if he was from Ohio and he said, "Yeah. Akron." WHHAAAAT?! I just met someone from Akron going to OSU in the Madrid metro station? So naturally I am ecstatic. I made him get a picture with me and I told him I would see him next year on campus. He'll be here until July as well studying Spanish and International Studies. I'm sure he would love to know that I just revealed all this information on the world wide web. Publicity. Love it.

School is difficult, but I'm starting to do homework. I actually read ahead last night (not on purpose, but still) The language is coming little by little. I'll keep working at it. That's the main reason I came here, so I will come back having mastered it. I hope everyone is enjoying life! Besos! NO DAY BUT TODAY.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Hurry Up And Wait"

This weekend I went to Madrid, well not exactly Madrid, but some university that was close enough to be considered as "in Madrid." The weekend was full of waiting, long bus rides, friendship bracelets, friendships, eating yummy food, and exchanging pins and business cards. To tell you everything about my weekend would be monotonous and boring to read. I had such a great time due mostly to inside jokes and "you just had to be there" moments, but I'll tell my favorites.

1. I met a guy from Massachusetts that said to me, "I thought there were more cows than people in Ohio." How does one respond to such a statement?
2. One of the girls here has dreads and I wrapped one on the bus with string. It looks sweet and it only took an hour and a half. I'm open for business. Tell your friends.
3. I had the best lunch on Saturday: Paella and Orange Fanta. Their Fanta is amazing here. It's different, I swear.
4. I taught more people how to make friendship bracelets. Story of my life.
5. I met some guy with the same birthday as me! We'll be turning 19 in Portugal together.
6. I exchanged pins and business cards like it was my job. So many Americans in one place!
7. Quote of Natalie's, "You never meet people from New Hampshire. I don't think people live there." The next day she met a girl from NH. Ironic? Undoubtedly.
8. In Wisconsin they call water fountains (for drinking) "bubblers."
9. I was eating a peach and I told my friend Mitchell to ask me how it was, so he did. "Just peachy, thanks." :)
10. I went to Puerta del Sol and Plaza Mayor yesterday! I bought an amazing shirt on the street in a little shop. 6 euros. I'm even cheap in Spain.

I made a lot of memories this weekend and had a great time. There are ten exchangers in Pamplona and they are all great. We're going to have a fantastic year together.

This weekend made me realize how fast this year is going to go. I found a ticket stub for Letters to Juliet in my pocket. I just laughed because Brandi and I thought it was terrible and I put it back in my pocket. I pulled it out later to tape it into my notebook and realized that is was from two months ago. I thought we just saw that movie a few weeks ago. I couldn't believe it. It made me realize that I have to enjoy every moment I have here; I have to take in all that I can and live each day to the fullest.

So at school today I was yelled at three times. 1. For walking in the wrong door this morning. Sorry. 2. For talking too loudly with Natalie in the vacant library during "French." 3. For being late to History of Art. I didn't even know I was running late. Now who's ready for an Alex Story?! So after History of Art I have Latin. I had to go to the bathroom but I didn't want to be late to class again, so I just held it. I don't think you are allowed to go during class. So we get to Latin class. It's in a really small classroom that has a bathroom attached. I noticed that one girl went to the bathroom so I assumed I could go after. So I went after. I went and then I washed my hands. When I finished washing my hands I couldn't get the faucet to turn off. I messed with it for awhile and then thought it might be a timed one. So I dried my hands, taking my time. The water was still running. Something is not right. I tried messing with the faucet again and I stared at it and thought, "Greeaaat. This would happen to me." So I open the door and whisper and motion to a classmate to come over and help me. Obviously everyone noticed she left. There are only eight students in this class. She came into the bathroom and is wondering what the hell I am doing. I told her about my little issue and she is trying to fix it, opening the little doors, looking under to see if it was a problem with a pipe or something of the sort. So here we are in the bathroom forever and finally the teacher comes to the door and asks what the problem is. We told her and of course she fixed it right away. I then told the class, "Estoy estupida. Lo siento." We all laughed, including the teacher. How embarrassing. I disrupted Latin class because I can't work a faucet. Dios mio.

I just ate a root-beer flavored gummy. No, gracias. I hope everyone at home is great. I love and miss you all. I hope this made you laugh. Besos.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Rainy Day Without An Umbrella

School: English, French (the library with Natalie "learning Spanish") then Literature. Today, in Literature, I had an epiphany. First off, I didn't even get drowsy. Second, I understood the lecture, and not just get the gist of what she said, but I understood.  She was talking about Italian writers and then went on to say that in Italy it used to be that they spoke many different languages, not just dialects. They decided that they needed to determine a national language-the most beautiful dialect in Italy. It just so happens that Dante Alighieri published his Divine Comedy in 1321 in the "sweet new style" of Italian, shocking the world that he did not write in Latin. He was from Florence. So they chose this, therefore: Italian. Here's the cool part. This is all from Eat Pray Love. Crazy? Yes. I'm such a fan of irony it is ridiculous.

Break: El Banco. So Merche meets me during my break to take me to the back to open my account here (banks are only open from 8:30-2:30). Merche, Natalie, and I go to the bank and we wait through the paper work and scanning of my passport until the lady has finally finished. I go to hand her my travelers checks and she looks at them and tells me, "Oh, we don't accept those. They're just paper." Umm...what are Euros? Do you want travelers coins? This was my thinking. So we go to the bank across the street and ask them. "No, but you can try the Santander in Plaza de Castillo." Which is on the other side of town. Merche has to return to work and Natalie, school. So I go alone. I have my map. Good enough.

At this point I am frustrated and worried beyond belief that no one will take my checks. Extreme concern. So I am walking with determination, telling myself that I am a strong person and I can handle this...then it rains. "Great," I thought, "Raining and I'm without an umbrella. In Alliance I always have an umbrella." That's when a gigantically beautiful metaphor came down and struck me. Of course my umbrella is in Alliance. It provides protection and comfort from the harsh nature of this world. It's not necessary, but oh so helpful in the rain. And you know, we really can take umbrellas for granted. It's not on purpose, they've just always been there so you don't know it's like without them. At the same time, if we never feel the rain we won't appreciate the sunshine. So I am considering all of this, comparing it to my life. Walking and walking and missing my umbrella until the moment I remembered; I have a hood. I have a hood to protect me. It's a part of me and it's all my own. I put my hood up and I feel strong; brave.

After this great deal of thinking, I had made it to the Plaza del Castillo. Here's the series of banks I walked in and out of with a hopeful spirit and bright smile:

1. El Banco Popular. "No, try Santander."
2. Santander. "Try Citi Bank. It will be cheaper for you. It's really close to here."
3. Me on the streets. "Donde esta el Citi Banco?!"
4. Santander. "I can't find it. Will you draw on my map?"
5. Citi Bank. "We don't take any travelers checks."
6. Me. "Funny."
7. Santander. (May as well be persistent)

As I walk into Santander for the third time I laugh with the three men there at how ridiculous I happen to be. I told the nice old man that Citi Bank does not take travelers checks and I asked if he could please just accept these. he said, "well I can only do Euros...for free. American dollars will cost you." RELIEF. "Great! I'll pay it! What will it cost me?" Only 18 Euros. Hell yes. So I start signing checks. I am so happy at this point and I am talking to this man about America and my time in Spain (you know, being my talkative self). We are joking and having a good time (there are a lot of checks to sign, mind you) and he tells me where I need to visit and that I will love Pamplona and that I need to get a Spanish boyfriend because they are the best. So I am laughing and agreeing and loving this guy. When I finish signing checks he prints me a receipt and tells me that I don't have to pay a thing. "WHAT?! Muchas, muchas gracias!!" Banker, "Shhh!! I don't want everyone to know!" Ooops...I mean I'm loud to begin with and when I'm excited...well, you know. The other banker is younger (and cute) and just laughed. This bank is never going to forget me. Needless to say, I left Santander for the third time with my money and my happiness. You've gotta love karma.

When I walked outside, it was still raining. I put my hood up and thought back to my metaphorical discovery. Haha. I was walking through town on my way back to school, then yet another thought occurred to me: If you hood is always up you will never feel the wind in your hair. I lowered my hood and walked back, taking the long way through the parks with the beautiful flowers.

The Rest of My Day: School. Economy...uhhh...what? After school Natalie and I walked around town and bought our first chocolate ice-cream cones. Delicious. It was amazing. We walked for awhile and then Natalie took the bus to her town and I walked home, once again taking the long way through the park. After this, Merche and I went to Movistar, the mobile phone shop. I bought the cheapest prepaid the phone they had. It is a Samsung of course, just like my other phone except much smaller. Samsung and Little Sammie. After I bought Little Sammie we went to a birthday party for a baby who turned one in the family. Family parties are nice, but they are hard for me. I miss my big family! So much chaos and commotion. I think I will really love this family though too. It will just take some time. After the party I packed for Madrid and Skyped with my Mama.

There are two gorgeous fountains in the city. They are my favorite part of Pamplona. I refer to the smaller one as Brandi and the larger one as Mom. When Natalie and I see them she says, "Hey, there's your Mom." My dad is the running of the bulls monument. They are the most gorgeous part of this town in my mind and Brandi, my Mom, and my Dad are the most gorgeous part of my heart.

I'M GOING TO MADRID TOMORROW! I'll play catch up on Sunday night. I love you all! Besos!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


"I don't know just where I'm going and tomorrow's a little overwhelming...If this is the moment I stand here on my own, if this is my rite of passage that somehow leads me home, I might be afraid, but it's my turn to be brave." I love this song. It's so inspirational for me right now. I'm so happy that I have this opportunity, and yes, at times it is frightening, but a lot of times you have to work so hard and go through rough patches to get to the most memorable and rewarding experiences.

School in Europe is quite different from school in the U.S. Today I wrote down a list of some differences I noticed in school and in the culture itself:

1. They use the words "muchisimo, vale, and de acuerdo" all the time.
2. My English teacher is Irish and that just rocks.
3. I go to a Catholic private school, so there are kids from ages 5-18. The little kids wear what look like "candy-striper" hospital jackets during their recess. I have no idea why, but they look cute. Que monos!
4. Some teachers wear lab coats all the time. These teacher aren't science teachers...just sayin'
5. We have to stand at the beginning of class for some teachers until they give us permission to sit down.
6. Every single person is wearing a fabulous pair of shoes at all times. There are zapaterias all over the place. I'll have to get on that.
7. I noticed that a lot of people smoke here. Some students in my grade smoke during break.
8. We all have bread for our almuerzo during break time. Yum.
9. Clocks and trash cans are scarce. I cannot wait until my watch arrives in the mail. Thanks Mommy.
10. Some students here use rulers to underline important topics and most of them have the little white-out strips. I wish I was that neat. I draw squiggly lines and have big blobs of mistakes in my notes.
11. All students have pencil bags. So all of you who've made fun of me for my pencil case and my highlighter bag, well you can take it back now.
12. My locker is a tiny cube. It has a tiny lock and an even tinier key. Like miniscule. I hope I don't lose it.
13. Teachers generally switch rooms; not students.
14. You need a key to get into the library.
15. There are no window screens anywhere that I've seen so far. Hmm.

I finally had the chance to finish Eat Pray Love. What a great book. So now it is time for Harry Potter! I'm so excited. I'm going to start it tonight and fall asleep as I read about the Dursleys. My days go so incredibly fast here. Time flies. I haven't been bored yet (except during school). I always have a book to read, or a CD to burn, or a bracelet to make, or someone to Skype. Although I need to start Skyping a little less. Not that I want to, but I really should. My host family has no problem with it though. They are so sweet to me and they help me with anything I need. I was put in a great place, especially for my first four months. I'll move during Christmas break and then once more during Easter break.

Funny "Alex" story of the day: I was writing in my journal this morning at school between classes. One of the girls came over to my desk and asked how I was and if this was my diary. I told her that I wrote my thoughts in it, lyrics, poems, and I also taped in pictures and special papers. I was flipping through and it landed on the page that my Elton John picture was attached to. She asked me if I like him. And I thought, "like?!" I told her that I absolutely loved him (I mean I'm wearing my Elton John shirt to bed every night...right now actually). She said, "But he's gay! You know that?" I told her that of course I knew that. I told her I didn't want to marry him but I adored him. She that all of the older people in Spain like his music. I laughed and said, "yeah, that's how it is in America too. I'm just different." It made my day. So I'm nerdy. At least I'm consistent? I can't help what I love. B-B-B-Bennie and the Jetssss!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chip On My Shoulder

I went to school again today. It was pretty much the same as yesterday except I had to go back for a few hours in the evening. The girls are still so nice to me! They let me borrow their notes and they tell me what page we are on and make sure I get to class okay. I don't think I'll have a problem at all making friends once I can speak Spanish. I pray that day is sometime soon. After school was finished I went to my first Rotary meeting here in Pamplona. I didn't really understand much of what they said. They kept explaining rules and how the host families would work out. It was really overwhelming for me. I felt like no one had any idea what was going on and I felt so lost. I have to open my own bank account and buy a cell phone. The bank account thing makes me just a little nervous because I have no idea how the system here works, but I'll figure it out. I have to. There's no more time or reason for me to be afraid. I have to grow up quickly and gain back my independence. I'm ready to focus on learning this language and adjusting to the culture. I'm ready to start my life here. "This chip on my shoulder makes me stronger and bolder. No more whining or blaming, I am reclaiming my pride."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just Breathe

      I went to school today. I felt like I was starting Kindergarten all over again. New school, new faces, new language. But I was so excited! I took the little glass bear my mom gave me before I left for good luck. On the first day of Kindergarten she gave me this certain pin to wear, and it made me brave. I walked to school with my host sister, Maite. It's about a 10 minute walk from the apartment. When I arrived at school the director of my class introduced me. Everyone was so nice and they kept asking me lots of questions and they were all so excited. They helped me when I had no idea what the teacher was saying. It was great! I had history and language this morning, with mass in between. Then we had our half hour break for our "almuerzo." The little snack or sandwich our moms send with us to school. A lot of the kids smoke, so they spend their half hour with a sandwich and a cigarette. Natalie and I ate our sandwiches and Dove Dark Chocolates on a bench across from the school. After the break I had History of Art, Latin, and Economics. I think I am going to love Art. Latin and Economics, not so much. I got to Latin and the teacher was speaking to me in Spanish. She asked if I have ever had Latin before and I said no. She asked me if I spoke Spanish and I said not really. She gave the "oh, you're kind of screwed then" look and smiled. She was really nice's just that I'm in a Latin 3 class. She told me it's okay, becasue I am here to learn the language and culture.
      After school I met up with four other exchange students in the area to buy our bus tickets for Madrid this weekend. After that, Athena, a girl from Washington state, and I met up with Natalie in the Plazo del Castillo. We walked around and talked for hours. It was so great. I couldn't stop talking...what's new? It felt so amazing to just have an actual conversation, but we all agreed that we wouldn't speak in English to each other much longer. Now, for the exciting part of my evening. I waited at the bus stop with Natalie for her bus. After she got on her bus I walked all the way home, across town, mind you, by myself. It felt amazing! I felt so independent. I was walking all alone in a foreign city and having no trouble at all. Usually I'm paranoid about directions and asking people lots of questions, but not now!
       This language is the only thing really holding me back at the moment. It's frustrating to not be able to understand everything and ask for people to continue repeating the same phrase, but everyone just tells me "little by little." I feel it improving each day as I continue to focus on listening and think back to Senora B's little tricks. I taught some of the other exchangers some of her tricks tonight and they thanked me. They said they were so helpful. Thanks B! You're the best.
         I've really enjoyed my day and I am looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of the days to follow. I am truly happy. I feel like, better. I feel like I am improving myself. I am taking in everything and learning all that I can. At the end of my crazy day, I talk to my sissy so nervously and excitedly at the same time and she tells me, "just breathe."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thank You For Being A Friend

    The Golden Girls theme song is the song of my day. I have it on repeat as I write this. It's only 43 seconds long, so you would think it would get a little monotonous, but when I hear those first four chords play, I just smile. Today I dedicate my blog to all of my friends. I have to thank all the people that I have met in my life who inspired me, or told me to follow my dreams, or made me laugh. Last night I talked to Korey and Steven on Skype and today it was my Mom, Dad, Brandi, and Joey. I enjoy every minute of this. They all make me laugh from my heart. It takes good friends and family for this to happen, I think. It's something that I miss but know I will find here. I just feel lucky to already have so many great friends in my life who are happy for me and tell me that I can do this.
    I realized today that homesickness doesn't just disappear. It can go away for a good amount of time but it can jump back in at any moment, too. Today I went to church with Merche and then to a BBQ to meet Merche and Maite's family. Here I was in a room full of great people who were so happy, so full of life, so excited to meet me and to just be with each other, yet I felt so alone. Today being Sunday, my mind drifted to Sunday mornings at Grandma's with her, Brandi, Mom, Aunt Barb, Abbie, Aunt Bev, Taylor, and Morgan. I can't help these thoughts from consuming my mind sometimes. It's just crazy how I can be in a room filled with happy people and still feel this way. A good part of it has to do with the language barrier, but still. I want you all to know at home that I won't stop missing you. Even though I'm having the time of my life, I will never forget anyone who made me laugh from my heart, or gave me an extra long hug, or made fun of me because I sing too much or because I'm clumsy.
     I just owe this year to all of you at home who told me I could do this. Who supported me through everything, I can't thank you enough.
     On a lighter note, I met a women in church this morning that made my day. She's probably around 60 years young with white hair. Throughout her white wispy hair is streaks of bright purple and hot pink. She wore a bright skirt, a bright top, and a printed scarf. This lady rocks, okay? I wanted to break out into "La Vie Boheme" right then and there. She is the definition of bohemia. Now, on a chewier note, I was given a salad today at the BBQ. In Spain, salads are not what you would consider a typical salad. There are many mysterious things in said salad. So today, my salad is pink. Hmm, I thought, I wonder what I just took a bite of. So, me being my curious self, asked Maite what was in this salad. "Oh. Hmm. How do you say...Oh, octopus." Me: (on the outside) The "oh" with head nod. Me: (on the inside) GAG. I just ate a tentacle. So I told Maite I didn't really like the salad much and she took it away before the others could see. I love her.
      To make up for the octopus salad, I had some American chocolate chip cookies for dessert tonight. I know they are American because the Statue of Liberty was on the container's wrapper. :) I'm proud to be an American because of our cookies alone! That's a joke. But while being here I learn to appreciate Spain's culture and become proud of my own. I feel honored to say that "this" is the way we do "this" in America. I honestly really enjoy it and become more proud to call myself an American each day. I love being "The American Girl."
       I want all of you at home to know that I love you and I'm thinking about you every night while I blog or fall asleep. "Thank you for being a friend. Traveled down the road and back again. You heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant. And if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew. You would see the biggest gift would be from me, and the card attached would say, Thank You For Being A Friend."
      I start school tomorrow morning so I need to get my sleep! Buenas noches, mis amigos.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

You Make My Dreams Come True.

     I feel so happy. So happy "my liver is smiling." That's from Eat Pray Love. Every woman should read this book eventually. I love it. When I finish it I'll be moving on to Harry Potter in Spanish. See everyone, I'm still a nerd in Spain. No worries.
      Today, I had such a great time. Merche, my Spanish Mom, took me to  a medevil festival in the old part of the city. They dressed up and there were lots of little craft stands. My favorite part of the festival were the guys wearing huge heads on their head and hitting random people with this pillow-on-a-string contraption. Not gonna lie, I was a little concerned for some of the little kids...I then saw a ton of really old buildings and the Plaza del Castillo. This Plaza has been my favorite place so far. There are pictures on my facebook of it. It's so beautiful. Merche showed me the cafe of Ernest Hemmingway (he wrote "The Sun Also Rises" about Pamplona. He loved the city). Merche bought me my first cafe con leche. It is amazing!! Mrs. Haynam, you would have loved this part of my day... great coffee and American Literature?! We then walked home for our lunch (the biggest meal of the day) and ate some hamburgers. They are completely different from American burgers, but you'll have that.
     In the evening Merche and I went on a walk to another section of the city with her friend, Eugenia (Korey you should be so excited!). Eugenia is so sweet and funny. I really like her. We walked to yet another beautiful park and then met up with her mother and sister in the "Tabenera." I think that's what it is called. I had more cafe con leche and this time I got a pastry that had melted chocolate inside and chocolate sprinkles on top. It was so good. Merche asked me if we had them in America, and I said not like this. Haha. We walked home afterwards to have dinner. Merche made spaghetti because earlier in the week I mentioned that I really loved it. She is so sweet.
      Merche and Maite are really helping me with my Spanish. They are patient and teach me new things and correct when I am wrong. Merche explains the history of each building and I try to understand, but I just can't catch all of it yet. The accent is so difficult for me to understand right now. I love to listen to it, it's beautiful, just so different from everywhere else. But anyways, the history. There is history every where you look in this city. Today I saw a church that was built in the 1200s! It's so crazy. How old is Alliance? 200 years? Not that I don't still love Alliance.
      I love Alliance because of all the special people in it. I want to thank everyone who has supported me in doing this. Anyone who was excited for me. Especially to my Mom, my Papi, and Brandi, who let me do the very thing they wanted least. I couldn't ask for a better family. They are understanding, supportive, and they keep me grounded. They love me and I love them more than anything in the world. They are making my dreams come true.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Poor Grammar

I just read over my blog and realized I made quite a few mistakes...but it is 1:36 am here. Apologies. I left out that the Brugal billboard is all over the place here, in Spain, and that the JUMBO is basically a larger than life Wal Mart that smells strongly of fish in certain areas. I also left out that I was informed today that I am going to have three host families, so that will be exciting. It will make the year go even faster, I think. I hope all is well at home everyone! I love you all! Oh and I'm going to love IT here. (another mistake!) Besos!

"It's not better, it's not worse, just different."

     I had a great day today. I woke up, did some skyping, and then received a phone call from my host mom saying that I needed to be at the school in an hour for a meeting. My first thoughts were great. My hair is wet, my face is red (from big deal..really), and I have no idea how to get to the school. We all know how I am with directions: pretty terrible. And not just compass directions but all directions. I can't make fudge without turning it into "hot fudge sauce." Merry Christmas to any of you who received a jar of that from us this year! :) Anyways. Me. Bad with directions. Me and my witty self pulled out a map. It was intimidating at first, but hey! I figured the thing out. Imagine that. If only I had a map when I was lost in downtown Canton at midnight last summer....So school! It went great. I had a meeting with the director of my class, the head of the English Department, and my tutor (also my history of Spain teacher). Three of the nicest ladies I have ever met. They made me feel so welcomed and calm. They just want me to learn the language and make friends...and try in school. That's sort of important. Haha. They already have a group of girls to help Natalie (the other exchange student in Pamplona from Memphis) and me. It's great. I also met Natalie in person today and I think we're going to be great friends. So school seems great other than the fact that I know have to take Economy. "Bummer," that's what my daddy would tell me.
      When I came home from school I got to skype with my mom and dad. It is so great to be able to talk to them. It helps me so much, but it also makes me cry. Not that I'm depressed or anything, it's just really hard because I am missing them all the time and then I know that I eventually have to say goodbye...we aren't just a phone call away right's just too expensive. After my skype date I ate my lunch and then headed to the grocery store and super market with Merche. The grocery store reminded me so much of Aldi's! It was pretty similar. Then the super market reminded me so much of the Dominican's JUMBO! I was so excited. It felt like I was at home..a little bit. Anything Dominican makes me feel better. Just like the huge Dominican billboards advertising "Brugal, the rum of the Dominicans." I LOVE THIS BILLBOARD. Oh DR how I will miss you this year. But without the DR I probably wouldn't be here in spain right now. I mean it has influenced my entire life. For that I cannot thank you enough, Mom.
     Here's a little shout out to fans of "The Hangover": Men really do carry satchels. No joke. I mean it's funny, but I am not lying. If Brandi were with me we would have caused a scene. But since I was on my own, I bit my tongue. I mean it's not bad, it's just different. Just like everything. My life has completely flipped upside down. It's crazy. I mean I'm loving it, it's just the way I do everything is so different. I love seeing the differences...I am on a cultural exchange. The language is improving a lot. I feel like I can understand so much more, it's really great.
     This evening I went to the sports club with Maite for her martial arts practice and watched her. It was interesting. I made her a bracelet while I watched and then I caught the end of a hand ball game. Hand ball is sweet. I really enjoyed watching it.
     It's now time for me to do some reading and catch up on some sleep. This six hour time difference is killing me. I am still no where near used to it. Anyway, hugs and kisses for all. I'm gonna love here.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is Cloudy My New Clear?

Hola everyone! Besos from Pamplona. Day two in Europe. First, I want to say this: traveling alone on the day you say goodbye to everyone and everything you know is not a good idea. I mean it already made me a million times stronger, but it really got to me. So, I officially hate traveling solo. I mean I'm glad that I know that I can get around an airport in a foreign language where they don't post what gate number you have to depart from, only the letter "k." What is up with that? I was running around the airport asking, "Where is the gate for Pamplona?! I CANNOT miss my flight!" So some guy helped me and then I calmed down a bit. I haven't seen much of Pamplona yet. I came straight here (the apartment) from the airport and I haven't left. Tonight I am supposed to get a tour of Pamplona though. That will be exciting! The language is so much harder than I expected. I don't understand much of what they are saying and it kind of gives me this light headache feel, but that's not the worst part. I am a talker. I was born to communicate. Yes, listening is nice and all, but I am meant to sing and talk. It is so hard for me to not be able to say what is exactly on my mind. I mean, you should know me if you're reading this, and if you do, you know I don't hold anything back. I show so much of my personality by talking, so I cannot wait until I know this language. I NEED to know this language.
      Today I woke up from having slept for 11 hours. I feel so much better. I haven't cried yet today! Woo! I know why I am here now. Yesterday I think my soul was still in Alliance. I know that sounds very spiritual of me, but I really believe it. So my soul found its way back to me this morning. I really like my host family. My host sister and host mom are very funny and laid back and welcoming. They are very patient with my "Castellano" (not Spanish! haha) and that helps. I  asked them if they spoke Basque (the local language of the region) and they don't, which was such a huge relief. In case you didn't know, Basque has unknown origins. They language that it is closest to is Finish. Yeah, no thank you. I have my own room and I am all unpacked. I love my is really soft! I brought my Christmas owl pillowcase which smells like home. I need that. My bed is much harder than my bed at home but it isn't too bad. I've been sleeping fine on it. I guess if you're really tired enough you can sleep anywhere. So far I have liked all of the food. It is extremely different though. I think most of the food has an aquired taste to it. We eat lunch around 2:30 and dinner around 9 or 10. Lunch is pretty big and dinner is small. I'm not having any trouble adjusting to the eating routine yet. Maite, my host sister, and I had lunch today while watching The Simpsons. Of course it is in Castellano, so I don't understand much. Homer's voice is way off, but Marge's is right on. I laughed a lot and thought of my Grandpa Biddle the whole time. I told Maite that he has seen every single episode and she laughed.
      I want you all to know at home that I am doing well now. I feel like myself. I know that this will be the hardest thing I ever do, but I know it will be one of the greatest years of my life. I just keep telling myself that. Pictures and notes from home make me smile now, not cry. I already appreciate my home so much more than I did. I took lots of pictures of my house and I just love it. It's just so homey, for lack of a better word. So everyone who is reading this, make sure you send me a facebook message or an email and let me know what is going on in your life and I will write back. I want to know what I am missing. Besos y abrazos de Pamplona. Love for Alliance, Ohio. I miss you!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Leap Of Faith

Today is the day I will never forget. I have officially left behind everyone I know and love. So here goes. I am jumping into the unknown at a rapid speed of 24 hours. A day to make the change. I promise myself now that I will have the courage to always stay true to myself. I will push myself to extend my positive attitude wherever I go. I'm all for changes- I mean I love tradition- but I also love new adventures. I'm ready to take that leap of faith and jump over the moon. I can't help but use RENT lyrics when I talk about this experience, but RENT changed my life completely and so will this year. I can't help but compare music to my life. My mom gave me a necklace yesterday for a going away gift. It is a treble clef with "Life's a Song" engraved. I love it and I truly believe in this metaphor. Life varies-just as music does. Each song, like each day, brings forth a new message, a new feeling, a new beat. Today's songs for me are Defying Gravity from Wicked and Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie. Of course big girls do cry. If we didn't we would be robots, and that's just no fun at all. But the lyrics of this song have so much meaning to me today. "I hope you know that this has nothing to do with you. It's personal, myself and I, we've got some straightening out to do. And I'm going to miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life. It's time to be a big girl now..." Perfection. Kudos Fergie Ferg. I'm a young soul trying to find my place in the world. Time for exploration.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Can't Believe A Year Went By So Fast

It's crazy to me that just a year a go I was considering youth exchange and beginning to fill out endless hours of paperwork and applications. When I finally completed my first application I remember crying the night before I turned it in. My mom told me I didn't have to do this, but I knew that I wanted it more than anything and once I turned it in, I was not looking back. Ever since my life has been a whirlwind of emails, interviews, and overnighters. I've been preparing for this for a year now, with the help of my family and friends, the Rotarians, my host family, and of course, all the other exchangers, especially my Belgian sister Livy. Now with two days left in the U.S., I feel ready and so excited to start my year. Of course I've had butterflies off and on for the past week, but I know that it is my time to create this new chapter of my life that I've dreaming about since my sophomore year when Senora B told me I would lasso emus in Argentina. I've obviously changed my mind about Argentina and am heading to Spain to run with the bulls. Here goes!