Saturday, April 30, 2011

Change, the Future, and Growing Up.

      It seems as though within the last week there has been so much talk about the future. There are weddings, college decision making, and ends of school years, graduations, and the end of exchanges. I can't help but be completely freaked out at by whatever the future has in store for me. Now is the time. My exchange is nearly over and I'll have to say goodbye to my life here and jump right back into my other life, back in Ohio. And it's not even that I'm not looking forward to going home, because when I get to see everyone again, hug my grandparents, play with my dog, sleep in my own bed, drive my car, and sing at the top of my lungs without a single care in the world, I will be ecstatic. I think I am just living in so much fear at the moment, which isn't usually my style. It's almost as though I am afraid of the fear that I am experiencing in my life. I am so afraid to say goodbye to my six amazing best friends here in Pamplona. I know we'll all be together again, but when? I am so afraid to choose a major and answer people when they ask me what my goals are. What I want "to be." At this moment in my life the best response I can provide them with is, "Well I want to see the world. I want to understand other cultures, other ways of life, and embrace the moment and use my knowledge and experience to help others in need." Okay. So I have that. But where does that lead me? To extremely expensive plane tickets and weeks off from school/work? But then I think, well I want a family. I want a family just as badly. Is there a happy medium? When someone hands you the map of your life, which direction do you choose? What if I want to go Northeast and Southwest at the same time?
     I really thought that this year would give me the time to think and I would have my life plans all figured out by now. Who was I kidding? I have had all the time in the world to think, but this has just made me expand my horizons even wider and think of all the other possibilities. I don't know why I am freaking out so much. But I had to get this out of my system. It feels good to release all this fear and just embrace the moment. I'll make the critical decisions as they come up in my life. All I know is that right now my map is pointing to Pamplona for an evening with three of my best friends.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Third and Final Home in Spain.

     On Monday I switched host families for the second and final time. This is now the third family I will have lived with for my year here. It was pretty hard to say goodbye to my last family because we were so close, but I came in with a positive frame of mind. It took awhile for Enrique to find my new house in Rochapea. Apparently the streets are really confusing here. Once we finally found the house, my new family helped me move my things into the room and I said goodbye to Aurora and Enrique. I  got a little teary eyed...which means I actually cried. Haha. I just really love them! Once I got into my new room I started unpacking. I spent the next two hours unpacking. I have a lot of stuff. Two suitcases, a carryon, and a backpack. But it is a whole year, so whatever.

     Now that I've had a few days here I can tell that I am really going to love it here. My room is really cute. It's the perfect size and I think it's my favorite room yet. I feel really at home here already. I have a host mother and father and two younger brothers. They also have a daughter in France right now. They are all so nice! They are really laid back and they keep telling me to make myself at home. It's so nice! Also, the food here is incredible. My family (host family) is from Ecuador so it's a combination of Latino and Spanish food. I have had lots of yummy soups and the best part: tostones. Fried plantains. My favorite food from the Dominican Republic!! They are so amazing. My host mom is such a fabulous cook. Also, I live close enough to the city that I can walk or take the bus. It's ideal. I'm so happy. I've had a really great transition into this family. I feel so lucky to have had the great host families that I have so far. It's been incredible.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


      This past Thursday through Sunday I was in France. I went to France! For the first time in my life. I have now been to Spain (duhh), Portugal, Belgium, and France. I like traveling. It's my hobby. So. France. I went with my second host family and another family. The other family has a daughter (17) and two younger sons. On the way to France we stopped at the milk factory that the dad of the other family works at. The parents all marveled and I couldn't help but think, "it's just milk..." But it was fun anyways! I just thought it was funny at how amused they were by the production and packaging of milk. After the factory tour we headed to Lourdes. There were appearances of Our Lady of Lourdes in the mid 1800s so it's very famous and very beautiful. After our quick visit of the small city we headed to our destination: Cauterets. A small skiing town nestled in the Pyrenees Mountains. The town itself was so cute and beautiful.
     We went skiing on Friday and Sunday. The conditions were not very good since it was so warm. Frankly, I was afraid of falling off the mountain and plummeting to my death on more than one occasion, and I'm a good skier...I promise. I did have fun though. It felt great to feel so free. And the views were absolutely breath taking. We were literally on the top of a mountain in the South of France in the end of April.
     On Saturday we couldn't ski because it was raining, so we went to a spa instead. What a relief because my entire body was sore from the day the bed was hard as a rock and I didn't get much sleep. At the spa we got to go in the two heated pools. The pools had jets everywhere and they were like luke warm hot tubs. One was outside and one was inside. It was amazing. There would be chairs in the pools with jets everywhere. It was so relaxing! And then we went to the saunas. It was a really perfect day.

     While in France I also went ice skating and watched a lot of movies with Julia and Nora on my computer. That was fun. I had to translate some things and it made me feel happier about my Spanish abilities :) I had a good time in France, but was homesick for Pamplona, my exchangers, and my family back home. I was happy to come home again.

RIP Akeelah.

      It was a Wednesday evening in Zuasti. I had the house to myself and my bedroom window was open...I went to the bathroom and came back to Akeelah. Akeelah the bee. I named him this of course (you've all heard of Akeelah and the Bee? The movie?) Anyways...he would crawl on the floor and I would be behind him with my shoe and get all freaked out because what if I missed and made him angry for my attempt to end his life and then he stung me? I'm terrified of bees...So I just let him do his thing while I do mine and he sort of just buzzes around the room for awhile before settling in on the curtains. At this point he won the battle for the room. I let the window open and then turned off the light and shut my door in hopes that he would fly out and leave me in peace. I checked back a few times and he was still there. So then I call Brandi and ask her to help me decide what to do. She gives me suggestions but I brush them off because I don't think any of them will work and then she says, "Alex. Just let it go." Then a smile spreads across my face. "Just let it beeeeee!" Then I begin to sing my version of "Let It Bee" to my sister. I laughed. She didn't. To add to the puns, Akeelah, and I swear this is true, started to rock his but from one side to the other. The bee dance? Perhaps. He's a Bee-Gee!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Okay, back tot he story...I then went downstairs to eat dinner and I came back and Akeelah was not there. I did a thorough search of my room and could not find him. I told Aurora about all of this nonsense and she said that he must have flown out the window, for sure...because bees make a lot of noise. I kind of doubted this because Akeelah is a special bee. He's quiet and minds his own business, but he looks like he could take on a fella. So I checked my bed for the third time and then shut my window and my door before going to sleep. The next morning I wake up and go to my bathroom, which is right across from bedroom. I see Akeelah lying on the ground in front of my bathroom door dead as a doornail. I spared his life for him to just give up and keel over in my bathroom? The poor thing. Pobrecito. I hope he lived a good life. Rest in peace, little man. It was nice while it lasted.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Funny Friday, Splendid Saturday.

     On Friday I predicted my evening to be as uneventful and predictable as they come, but I was wrong. As soon as I finished eating lunch, I went to my computer to check facebook (duhh) and saw that my cousin Emily was online and asked if she could skyoe since it had been ages since the last time I had talked to her. She immediately replied, "YES!" and I then became overwhelmed with emotion and talked to her for the next two hours about what has happened in our lives the past two months. Times flies with Em and me. At one point during the skype date, my friend Natalie messaged me and asked if I wanted to enjoy the evening with her in Pamplona. I had to tell her no for two reasons 1. I need to unpack from Belgium (still) and 2. I was already in sweats...once this happens on the weekend you usually don't change it til the next I right?
    Instead of unpacking like I should have I watched Sex and the City and made button bracelets. I really enjoy time with my buttons. I realize that saying that may make me the lamest 19 year old ever, but at least I'll admit it and embrace my inner (and not so inner) nerd. As I sat there making bracelets and watching Sex and the City and listening to music, I heard my host dad singing karaoke in the next room. Just belting at the top of his lungs. The best part was that he started with a few Elton songs (Don't Go Breaking My Heart and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road) and then moved on to my personal favorite performance of the night, You Raise Me Up. I sat in my room laughing. And laughing. Aaaand laughing.
     To prolong the packing a little bit longer I decided to take a shower before dinner. After my shower I was called down for dinner. I come down the stairs and hear some lady with a strange accent speaking to my host parents. My thoughts were, "Mierda! I'm in sweat pants and my hair is wet...and of course no makeup. Fabulous." So I met this lady looking my best. After she said one sentence I knew exactly where she was from: England. The lady was super nice and funny and it was great to have her there for dinner. Her accent just made me laugh so much. I'm not saying that my accent is that great...but this was just funny. Her Spanish is better than mine though. So whatever. Haha.
     On Saturday I woke up and decided that I should finally unpack my suitcase and unpack I did. I just had a really relaxing day until I caught the 9 o'clock bus into Pamplona to meet my friends for dinner. We ate sandwiched and met my friend Becca's friends that are visiting from home. It was a great night. We laughed and ate chocolate and churros outside little cafes and enjoyed the nice weather. I walked home (to the apartment) around midnight and then watched Sex and the City until I fell asleep.
      This morning I caught the bus back home and then I went to church here in Zuasti. A very typical Sunday. The weather is so beautiful today. Bye everyone! Besos...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Week With My Sister.

      Well my friends, it's been long enough. I am finally going to tell you all about my amazing week with Livy in Belgium. I know that I have yet to write about the Rotary trip, but I'll get there. Maybe I'll just write about that once I'm back home or something. Maybe I'll find the time and motivation then. I hate to say it, but Sex and the City has really been pulling me away from my's like a drug.
    Now on to Belgium! I think I've already written about the first two day there, so I'll start with Friday. No, just kidding. I remember where I left off now! I went shopping with Livy's sister on Thursday and we bought headbands and smoothies together. It was so much fun. After shopping I met up with Liv and we went out to eat. We sat at a little table for two over looking the water. Oh-so romantic! The food was fabulous. I ate a chicken and vegetable wok and Livy had a salad. After dinner we went to a chocolate bar and had some of the most amazing ice-cream ever. It was covered in chocolate, caramel, and walnuts. Heaven. That night we sat on her couch and started catching up. It was the first time we had spent just talking and nothing else. It was so nice. This is what Alex and Livy time is all about. We went to bed pretty early that night because Livy had a test the next day.
     On Friday we woke up, ate breakfast and then I journaled while Livy studied. I then walked into town and ordered Subway for lunch. SUBWAY. Subway. Suuuubwaaaay. I put everything on it. That's how I like my subs. A little bit of meat, tons of veggies, and some oil and vinegar. I took it home in a bag and ate at it at home with Livy. She didn't have much for lunch because she had a swimming exam just a few hours after. That was my first sub in 7+ months. I was so happy. I didn't want to have to finish it. But like they say, all good things must come to an end. A few hours later Livy left for her exam (which sounded impossibly difficult) and I went to her computer and named all of her songs on iTunes that I gave to her but weren't named. I had fun singing along too. Once Livy came home and said that she had passed her exam (YAY!!!) we headed into town to sit in the sunshine in the center plaza with all of the tables and bars. I ordered a must-have raspberry beer. Livy said that they were amazing and she was right. It was nice to just sit and talk and enjoy the nice weather. I felt so European.  That evening Livy's older brother picked us up at her apartment and took us to their home. She gave me a tour of the house and I then met everyone in her family and made homemade pizzas with them. They were delicious. After dinner we watched the movie Troy and then talked until we both fell asleep.
     Saturday morning Livy woke up early to study and then I woke up for breakfast with the whole family. We ate fresh bread with everything! Sprinkles, nutella, jam, cheese, butter, pate, and probably a few more things I'm just forgetting. Oh yeah, speculoos! Yummy stuff. After breakfast Livy and I took the bus into the city to do some shopping and grab a drink in the plaza. That evening her family picked us up and we all went to Brussels. In Brussels I did some market shopping, chocolate shopping, and postcard shopping. I found the most perfect gift for my Aunt Patty and I cannot wait to give it to her! It's so perfect. Once we saw all of the touristy things, we searched for a place to eat dinner. It's not too hard to find where all the restaurants are considering there is this section of town where they are lined up one after the other with table outside and inside. You walk through the crowded streets and smell every spice fill your senses and you are tempted by every restaurant. It was crazy. We finally settled on a fancy restaurant and I ordered chicken with mushrooms and gravy over a biscuit. It's very typical Belgian food they told me. After our fabulous dinner we of course got ice-cream and ate it on our way back to the car. The ice-cream is amazing in Europe. Simple as that.
      On Sunday we went to the Atomium, an iron atom magnified 165 billion times. It was used for the World Expo of '58 and we were able to go inside and take pictures from the top. I was very impressed. It was so shiny! That afternoon I saw my first ever field hockey game. The highest mens level from Livy's club was playing. I really enjoyed it. It was a fast paced game and that made it very enjoyable. After the game people spend an hour or more socializing and drinking. Once we were finally home Livy and I made the salad for dinner and her mom made the steak and fries. This is really typical Belgian food and it was of course just as amazing as everything else in Belgian had proved to be. We then went to our room and watched The Holiday (one of my favorites...I brought it with me to Spain haha) and then went to sleep.
     Monday morning Livy and I got ready for the beach! We took the train to Knokke. It was chilly so we kept our sweaters on the while time. We went to a cafe and ate crepes and hot chocolate before walking and talking on the beach for hours. We took the train home in time for dinner with the family. That night we started watching The Da Vinci Code but stopped in the middle because Livy was tired...but I was wired. I was so wide awake and into the movie but I didn't want to watch it without her. So we went to bed but I couldn't get it off my mind so I made her tell me stories about butterflies and cupcakes.
     On Tuesday we made waffles! Lots and lots and lots of sugary waffles while listening to Glee blaring in her kitchen. It was amazing. That day we also finished watching The Da Vinci Code. We watched a lot of Glee and then we watched Eurotrip and laughed a lot. It was a lazy day for us...but completely wonderful.
    Wednesday was a sad day. I had butterflies all day. I had to say another tearful goodbye to my best friend. It's always hard. I don't handle goodbye all that well. Like Livy said last year, "I've learned so many things this year, but goodbye wasn't one of them." It was tough, but I got through it and now I am doing just fine! I miss her, but I know that I get to see her again in June. Thank goodness!

     Well now that my fingers are about to fall off, I must say goodbye. Tonight I'm going out to dinner with the Pamplonians and then staying at the apartment. I'm excited as usual. It should be a good time just adding to the number of inside jokes and laughter that has made this an amazing year. Besos everyone!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

In Belgium!

     Right now I am in Livys apartment, using her keyboard, completely unable of figuring out how to make an apostrophe. So bear with me. Last night Livy and her dad picked me up from the airport and as soon as I saw her I was running and screaming and then we hugged for the longest time. On the way home we stopped to get Belgian fries and they were absolutely amazing! Then her dad said goodbye and dropped us off at her apartment, which is amazing. Later two of Livys friends came over and then we went out. It was so nice last night so a lot of people were out. We danced in the bars and the music was so much fun because they played a mixture of new and old stuff. At one point they played Wannabe by the Spice Girls and I dont know if I have ever been so excited! After we had enough dancing we came home and showered and went to bed.
     This morning Livy bought fresh bread and we ate it with honey, cheese, jam, and chocolate sprinkles...but not all at once haha. Livy just left for class and I alm just hanging out until I go into town to meet her sister. I am so excited! Begium is really beautiful already.
     Its crazy how simple everything is..its like no time has passed and we are just best friends living together. Its the best feeling in the world. I am so incredibly happy. Besos.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Sister.

       I leave in about 30 minutes to go see Olivia! I'm taking a bus to Zaragoza, then a plane from there to Belgium. I couldn't be more excited! I'm a little stressed about finding the right bus from the bus station to the airport, but I know that really won't be a problem. I've traveled so much this year that I think I know what I'm doing by now. If all else fails, there's always a taxi. Haha. I can't believe that after ten months I'm going to see her today and give her a hug and get to see what her life is like. I showed her mine for ten months last year. I just wish I could stay longer than a week. I'm already dreading the goodbye. But hopefully I'll get to see her again in June!! I'm just so excited!! I'm all over the place! I'm now going to make some CDs for us to listen to while I'm there. I'M GOING TO BELGIUM!!!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Best Weekend # I've-Lost-Count.

      I was just about to title this post "The Best Weekend Ever" but then I thought back to last weekend and the one that is coming and it occurred to me that I have had so many amazing weekends in my life and so many more to come. This is a good sign, no? I'll have so many stories by the end of this year. I created a quote last summer that goes like this: "I want to live so much that I never have to tell my grandchildren the same story twice." I'm not sure if it's quote book worthy or something like that, but you know, it just struck me.
     So my weekend. My fabulous weekend. On Friday evening all of us Pamplonians met at the bus station. Athena and I went in and bought all the tickets for San Sebastian for the Saturday and the rest went off to Eroski to buy the groceries for the night. We all met up at Becca's bus stop and took the 7:40 to Gorraiz. Well, most of us. Tabea and Natalie had to stay behind and catch the next bus because we forgot to buy tortilla chips. That night we made guacamole, spaghetti, tortilla de patata, and churros. Some combination, right? After dinner some of us went a walk because it was so nice out. Then some of us watched the first act of RENT. Everyone was falling asleep though. We finally went to bed around 3 and then woke up at 6 to get ready for our next adventure.
     We caught the 8:15 bus for San Sebastian and met our friend Andrew (he lives there) there at 9:30. Of course we were all tired so we had Andrew take us to the first cafe we could find. We drank coffee and ate tortilla de patata to wake ourselves up and give us some energy for the day. After our time at the beautiful cafe Andrew took us to his apartment so we could change into our bathing suits. While there we managed to break the elevator but I really don't think we did anything wrong. The buttons would just not work. The thing wouldn't open after pushing all of them and at that point I suggested we just try to pry the doors apart. It actually worked. We ARE smarter than the elevator. Score. We took the five flights of stairs up and met Andrew's host family and saw his amazing ocean view out of the living room window. It was amazing.
     At the beach we laid out in the sun and talked and buried Tabs in sand and then talked some more. We never get bored with each other. That's the incredible thing about our friendship...our family. Once it got too cold to stay on the beach we headed for the bathrooms to change and was yelled at by the physco bathroom lady. Apparently you are NOT allowed to change in that bathroom. Sorry. We headed out of there and straight for a pintxo (tapas) bar where we at tortilla de patata and enjoyed our last hour or so of San Sebastian for the day. After this we walked to a park where Natalie and Elle had fun going down the slide while Becca took their picture. At 8:30 we were all on the bus back to Pamplona after saying goodbye to Andrew.

      We all went home as soon as we got back to Pamplona. I got to stay in the apartment alone last night. I found Mean Girls on TV in English and was thrilled. I then ate some Nougat Pillows, took my shower, then headed for bed. It was so nice waking up this morning from ten hours of sleep with no interruptions. I took the bus back into Zuasti then went to mass with my host dad. Since then I've been skyping and watching Sex and the City. I helped Aurora make tortilla de patata tonight. She taught me how! I'm so excited to try making it on my own now! I love it so much. Now I am ready to get some sleep. I have another busy day ahead of me tomorrow. Three days till I'm in Belgium with Livy!!! Besos :)